Scott took a photo of a couple of the pregnancy tests I took. I usually take a few more (I think it was 11 with Abby and 8 or so with Mckenzie - all positive too!) but I guess three strong positives was good enough for me this time :) I am sure Scott was happy since those bad boys aren't cheap! I have been more tired this time around, but with school starting soon, I am hoping to sneak in a few naps! Just don't tell Scott I am sleeping while everyone else is busy working! We are over the moon to be adding to our family! God has blessed us greatly and I am looking forward to meeting him/her. The girls keep asking me if we want a boy or girl. It really doesn't matter as long as he/she is healthy (cliche I know, but true nonetheless). The girls want a sister. They seem to think a brother would be too wild. The girls are also curious as to what we will name their sibling. Some of the names they have come up with so far are outrageous! Eyeball for a boy or Toast for a girl (Mckenzie's choices). Abby has come up with Edwin for a boy and Crisilla for a girl. Mckenzie also mentioned Towel to me the other day. I am not sure if that is for a boy or girl. Looks like we still have some work to do...
The girls and I went shoe shopping today after I cleaned out Abby's closet and discovered that unless I want her wearing flip flops to school, I had better buy that girl something else to wear! Of course Mckenzie had to get a few pair in as well. How could I pass up pink sparkly Toms for her!