29 weeks pregnant today. There is so much to do to get ready for our sweet little boy! We need to pick out a name and find a place for him to sleep and some clothes to wear. If you ask the girls what we are naming him, they have each chosen a name. Abby wants to name him Conner and Mckenzie likes Hunter. I think Scott and I have agreed to a name, but nothing is final yet. Baby boy is growing and moving around a lot. I'm still getting heartburn like crazy and eat Tums all the time.
Fantasy Football came to an end today. Scott was in the finals in both leagues he played in. He ended up winning one (insert the song "We are the Champions" here at Scott's request) and taking second place in the other. He was pretty excited to win!
This evening we put on our jammies, brewed some hot chocolate, grabbed some cookies and headed out on the town to look at Christmas lights. There were some really neat lights this year. One entire street decorates their entire street with white lights. It was so beautiful to see all the trees and houses lit up. The best lights we saw were set to a local radio station. The girls were mesmerized, watching the lights dance to the music.