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I had gone into the house to get my camera and when I came out, I found the girls holding hands across the table! |
Mckenzie woke up at 530 this morning, but I put her back to bed with me and luckily, she fell back asleep. Abby woke up a little later crying because she couldn't find her daddy doll. So, we found the doll and I ended up sleeping in bed with her while Mckenzie got my bed all to herself! We met one of my friends and her little boy for lunch at Chick fil A. It was nice and for once, the play area was pretty quiet. We came home and Mckenzie went down for her nap. Abby and I went outside and I tried to teach Abby to use a hula hoop. Very unsuccessful! I couldn't possibly teach her the right way when I seem to have forgotten how to do it myself! I bet we looked pretty comical! Abby was driving in her car and I think she has been riding in the car with me a little too long. I could see her stopping her car and then I heard her yelling "Come on, it's a green light! Let's go! Why are you stopping?" When Mckenzie woke up from her nap, she wanted to play outside too. It was so beautiful out, minus the wind. We played until dinner and somehow, I managed to keep Mckenzie in her seat for the entire meal. She wasn't happy, but I didn't give in! The girls had a bath (the second one for Abby today since she peed her pants this morning. She said she just couldn't make it. She never did this when we were in Florida. I wonder if she is doing it now because of all the changes she has been through. So first thing this morning I got to mop the floor, do laundry, and then get a lukewarm shower because Abby stayed in there for over a half hour!). Both girls went to bed without a problem. Let's just hope they both stay in their own beds tonight!
Checking out the ground |
Abby had school again today and since Scott was home, I got to run to the grocery store and Target by myself! Mckenzie was in a mood again today, wanting only to watch Cars or sit on someones lap. It was my turn to work in Abby's classroom this afternoon and it was fun to watch her help the teacher cook. The kids made a vege dip and then cut the veges up for themselves. It was cute to watch Abby use a plastic knife to try to cut her veges. You could tell she felt so grown up doing it. We came home and played with Scott and Mckenzie. The girls ran around and Abby said she was trying to burn energy. We grilled kabobs for dinner and Mckenzie actually ate chicken and mashed potatoes. Of course the only way she would eat them was when they were dipped in ranch dressing. After dinner, the girls wanted to play a little Wii. Daddy did story time tonight and then he gave them a little going away present. We had a doll made for each of the girls with Scott's picture on it. They both seemed to like it, although I think Mckenzie was wondering why Daddy's picture was on the doll. Bedtime was tough for Abby tonight and so now she is snuggling next to Daddy on the couch. I hope she falls asleep before he has to leave or it will be a very long night for her. I wish there was a way to make it easier for the girls to be without their Daddy. I am at a loss. It breaks my heart to see them hurting. At least Mckenzie isn't old enough yet to realize what is going on. Unfortunately, Abby is...
Story time with Daddy |
Mckenzie seems fascinated by Scott's shoes |
Abby had a Trike-a-Thon today for her school to help raise money for St. Jude's Children's Hospital. I don't think Abby had any idea she was doing it to raise money, but she had a good time doing it. Scott took Abby to the event and Mckenzie and I stopped by for a bit. She looked so big riding her bike (with a helmet this time!) and she only fell once! They had snacks for the kids and Abby got hers and ran over to sit by her friend Ally. I am so glad Abby has found someone she really connects with. Mckenzie has been cranky for most of the day, except when she is watching Cars. I think that was the only time she wasn't whining about something. Scott had to go back to work after Abby's event and he took Abby with him. Scott said she was really good and made pictures using highlighters! Scott was ready to leave work, but Abby couldn't leave until she had finished her pics. We went to Olive Garden for dinner. I didn't feel like cooking and messing up the clean kitchen. (I finally found a housekeeper and she did an amazing job. Blinds, floorboards, doors, ceiling fans. You name it, they cleaned it.) Mckenzie did not want to sit in her highchair tonight and ended up sitting on my lap most of the dinner. Scott and I were talking during dinner about how easy it is to dine with Abby now and how hard it is with Mckenzie when just a short while ago, it was the opposite. Mckenzie just doesn't want to sit still for anything. We came home and Scott gave the girls a bath while I folded some laundry (one of my least fav chores.) The girls are in bed and I am hoping Mckenzie will be in a better mood tomorrow.
Abby and her friend Ally |
Another rainy day! But that meant the girls got to wear the cute raincoats I got for them at Gymboree! Abby had school this morning and she was disappointed that I wasn't going to be coming into her class with her. She appears to love having me in her class and doesn't understand why I can't go every day she does. Mckenzie was so cranky again today. I think it might be allergies bothering her. I'm not sure. Scott was supposed to be leaving on a trip tomorrow, but it got cancelled! Yeah! I know there will be another one right around the corner, but it is nice to know he will be around for a few more days. We really didn't do a whole lot today. We just hung out inside doing puzzles and running races. Abby loved to race against me and win! Mckenzie had to watch Cars again today. I don't know what she would do without it! (And I don't know what I would either). Tried to figure out this whole CT scan that Mckenzie still needs to get done as I hadn't gotten a referral letter in the mail. So I called the referral clinic and they told me they never received the paperwork. Then she said I don't need a referral (after being told previously that I did) and that the doctor who wants it done needs to order it and not our pediatrician. Ok. whatever. it was too late in the day to call the ENT's office so I planned on doing that tomorrow. But as I was on the elliptical tonight, the ENT actually called to see if we had gotten the CT done yet. I was so blown away that he would call at 8:30 in the evening to check up on her. I am amazed at his dedication to his patients. When I relayed what was going on, he told me I had to get the pediatrician to order it. So, tomorrow since Scott has to go to work, he said he would stop by the pediatrician's office to have them order it. I would really like to get this taken care of before summer so I am hoping this is the end of it. Sorry to rant about this. I wish I had someone to tell me exactly what I need for this specific situation instead of different answers every day.
It was a lazy, rainy day at our house. PJ's until the middle of the afternoon and lots of Daddy time for the girls since he will be travelling again soon. We played Wii and colored and made some glitter pictures. Scott colored a Santa picture and Abby decided it wasn't colorful enough and finished it off for him. She loves to use random colors all over the place. Santa ended up with one yellow and one brown eyebrow! I gave the girls a bath this afternoon and then we headed out to Best Buy, followed by dinner at Red Lobster. Abby loves eating there and the last few times she has asked to go, it has been "closed" ;) She even ate shrimp tonight. Usually we just order the kids mac and cheese. Mckenzie was cranky all evening. The restaurant was too busy to let her run around and that did not sit well with her at all. I finally ended up taking her to the car. We stopped by Barnes and Noble on the way home so I could find a book. Staying at home with the kids has allowed me some time to read and so I was in need of another good book. Scott stayed with the kids so they could play with the train table and I got a few minutes of me time wandering around the aisles. On the way home, Abby kept telling us that if glass is knocked over it could start a fire (we drove past a burned house). I kept disagreeing with her and she kept right on arguing. I don't know if I wasn't understanding her or what. We finally agreed that if glass was knocked over it could break. That is until she said "and then it could start a fire..." Oh well. I tried.
Abby fixed her own hair today and I just had to get a picture of it. She has at least 5 barrettes in!4.24.2010
We went to Perkins for breakfast this morning and Mckenzie has a habit of wanting out of her highchair to sit on one of our laps or just to stand up around the table. When Abby was her age, we NEVER would have let her out of her chair, but with Mckenzie, it is easier to feed her, so we let her. It is amazing how much our parenting skills/style have changed from when Abby was little to now. Of course this morning, Mckenzie didn't want to eat what Scott or I offered her, but she was happy to eat for Abby. Abby loved feeding her and was so caring for Mckenzie. I think Abby will make a great momma someday! We ran to Best Buy to look for a little camera we can take with to the beach or that Scott can take on trips with him. Then we went to the sporting goods store to get some new tennis shoes. The girls had fun playing with the shoe size measure thing (I have no idea what the official term is). When we were leaving, Abby asked to go to Chick-fil-A. We told her drive through only since we had just eaten 2.5 hours prior and it was getting close to Mckenzie's nap time. She didn't complain, but when I offered her a chicken nugget, she informed us she wasn't hungry. Guess she just wanted to play! While Mckenzie was napping Abby played her new Dora Wii game she picked out for her chores reward chart. It was fun to watch her learn how to maneuver and explore a new game. Mckenzie woke up shouting "Dada, Momma". Guess she didn't care who came to get her, she was just done with her nap. We took the girls to the park where Abby really got to break in her new bike. She had a little trouble starting but soon she was riding pretty quickly. She fell off her bike a couple of times and that is when we realized we forgot her helmet. Luckily she didn't get hurt either time as she landed in soft grass. Scared her more than anything, but she got right back up on her bike the first time and the second time, she said she wanted to walk a little bit first. That lasted about 5 steps and she was ready to get back on! The girls played on the swings/slides for awhile and even Dakota joined in the fun by going down the slide a few times. Both girls loved watching the dog go down the slide and giggled as she did it. We headed home because it looked like rain and it was getting kind of chilly out. Mckenzie got a boo-boo tonight :( She dropped a wooden box on her toes! We felt so bad for her. Looks like she may lose her big toenail. Ouch! The girls were pretty silly during dinner. Mckenzie was sitting on my lap to eat and the girls kept leaning together to give each other kisses while screaming and poking each other's belly button and laughing while doing it. We played for a little while and then it was time for bed!
Way to go Abby! |
Big smiles because of Daddy's silliness |
We went to see a Sesame Street show on base today as part of a USO tour. It was a great show. All the kids got a free lighted Elmo toy, DVD's, and girl scout cookies. How awesome is that?! The girls had fun. Mckenzie was excited to see Elmo on stage, but spent most of the time playing with her toy. Abby like dancing and it was hard to keep her still. I loved that Scott could skip out of work to enjoy the show with us. We headed home and did lunch and nap time. Abby wanted to play with a new game so I introduced her to Mancala. We played at least 5 or 6 games before Mckenzie woke up. She took a very short nap today so I am hoping it is an isolated instance and not a precursor to no naps. I love nap time! Mckenzie had to watch Cars again and while we did so, both girls snuggled in next to me. Scott got the girls ready for bed while I ran to Target all by myself! It was wonderful! Of course, I spent most of the time in the toy aisle looking for bribes to give the girls when Scott goes on his next trip.
She's so cool she needs sunglasses inside the hangar! |
Playing with the Elmo toy! |
Shakin' that bootie! |
Abby asked for an outdoor pic today. |
I snap my fingers to get Mckenzie to look when I take a pic. She has started copying me. |
Abby woke up shouting "airplane, airplane" this morning. It was take your kids to work day at Scott's job and so Scott promised the girls they could go see the airplane he flies. That was the only thing on Abby's mind as she raced around the house this morning, until she discovered her dress up clothes under her bed and then it was a challenge to get her dressed and going. We finally made it to base and Scott showed us his office and then took us to the flight line. There was a static display of the C-17 and the KC-10 which are both based out of here. The girls got to sit in the cockpit and run around the cargo hold. Both girls had a great time. Abby kept asking to see more airplanes and didn't want to leave when it was time to go. I brought the girls home and it was time for lunch and a nap. We walked to the park and played for a little bit before it started to sprinkle on us. So we came home and played inside. I got a little cleaning done in between refereeing the girls arguments. Mckenzie would come find me, mumble at me, point towards Abby and then cross her arms over her chest. Usually this means Abby isn't sharing the way Mckenzie wants her too. Scott came home and we ordered dinner in. As he was ordering, he said the wrong sandwich and he caught his mistake, but unfortunately, the girl taking his order wasn't as smart. No matter how many times he repeated his correct order, she didn't seem to get it. Needless to say, we ended up with an extra sandwich. Mckenzie had to watch Cars again today. That little girl gets into a trance when she is watching it and Abby seems to know all the lines. The two of them could probably act out the entire movie! We gave Abby her new bike tonight and she squealed in delight when she saw it. She looked so grown up riding her two wheeled bike (plus training wheels).
A picture Abby drew of Scott |
Dog races at the Riley's |
Please Touch Museum
The keyboard from the movie Big |
Playing with a bird egg |
Building a nest with Daddy! |
Abby wanted to ride the sleigh on the carousel |
Abby took this pic of us. Not bad! |
There was an Alice in Wonderland maze the kids played in |
Filling the car with gas! |
Riding the monorail! |
Today we all went to a museum in Philadelphia called the Please Touch Museum. It is located in the old Memorial Hall in Fairmont Park, which was built in the late 1800's and housed the Art Museum for many years. It is a beautiful building with outstanding architectural details. The museum now is designed for children under seven and everything in it is for the kids to touch and learn from. There was so much to see; a transportation center, a grocery store for the kids to shop, a hospital, bakery, water center, tree playground, and the girls favorite, the carousel. The carousel dated back to the 1800's/early 1900's and the details were so ornate. It wasn't too crowded and the girls enjoyed seeing all the different stations and getting to play. Mckenzie had a great time driving the cars and Abby loved the grocery shopping. We went to lunch at a place called Tony Luke's which has been showcased on the Food Network. It was so tasty. We had cheesesteaks with cheese whiz and cheese fries and did I mention it was so tasty? Scott and I decided it is some of the best food we have had since moving here. We came home and put McKenzie down for a nap. Scott and Abby ran to the base to take care of a couple of things. Scott said he found the cure for Abby asking a gazillion questions in the car (The whole ride to Philly and back was a constant barrage of questions). I asked what it was and he told me the cure was her falling asleep in the truck. He said it was a wonderful 15 minutes. I love she asks questions, its just I like listening to them some days more than others. Scott and Abby also took my Tahoe in to get the tire fixed. I picked up a screw somewhere and I am so glad Scott noticed it today. We had a wonderful day and I think tomorrow will be a little boring as Scott has to go back to work :(. It has been so nice having him home all day. At least he isn't leaving on another trip that we know of yet.
Abby had school today and I got to volunteer in her Ooey Gooey Science class this afternoon. Abby seems to enjoy it and I love to watch her interact with the other kids and the teacher. When she had a question, she would raise her hand. When she was called upon, her checks would get just slightly red and in the cutest, sweetest voice ever to come from her mouth, she would begin speaking. We were going to take the girls to the park this afternoon, but Abby decided she would rather paint and Mckenzie wanted to watch Cars again on the computer. We bought a grill this morning and we were both so excited to get grilling. We haven't grilled since September and we really missed it. We made shrimp, turkey sausage, veges, and baby red potatoes. It was super tasty! Abby loved the shrimp. This was a first for her as she has only nibbled on them in the past. Mckenzie actually ate some of the turkey sausage, but she still preferred her corn. We bought the girls each a patio chair, so that is their picture of the day. Not the greatest pic but I wanted to get one the first day in their new chair!
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- The weather was so beautiful today and the girls ...
- I had gone into the house to get my camera and w...
- Abby had school again today and since Scott was ho...
- Abby had a Trike-a-Thon today for her school to he...
- Another rainy day! But that meant the girls got to...
- It was a lazy, rainy day at our house. PJ's until ...
- We went to Perkins for breakfast this morning and ...
- We went to see a Se...
- Abby woke up shouting "airplane, airplane" this m...
- A picture Abby drew of Scott Dog races at the...
- Please Touch Museum
- Abby had school today and I got to volunteer in he...
- What a great day! Not that we did anything so spec...
- Welcome home Daddy!!!!
- After what seems like a million phone calls, I fi...
- Mckenzie was scheduled for her CT scan today and w...
- Today was pajama day at school for Abby and I got...
- Ok, if any one cares, I just put on my big girl pa...
- Abby came into my room sometime last night. I was ...
- Mckenzie had her doctor's appointment today so Abb...
- Mckenzie had a major meltdown today and it was all...
- Dakota thought she could sleep with me last night ...
- I actually had to wake both girls up this morning ...
- Today was one of those days. The girls were whiny,...
- Why is Mckenzie waking up so early and Abby waking...
- Abby came to sleep in my room again last night a...
- Mckenzie had a rough night last night. I tried sle...
- Happy Easter! We had a pretty quiet day compared t...
- What a busy
- Scott had the day off so we all got to hang out to...
- Abby woke me up at 8 this morning to let me know ...