Mckenzie had a rough night last night. I tried sleeping with her in my bed, but that didn't work. I finally ended up sleeping on the floor next to her crib with my hand holding hers. When I got back to my bed, Abby woke up and she ended up sleeping in my room. We had errands to run this morning. I had to go to Best Buy to return a phone charger that came with the loaner phone they gave me and then I needed to get some summer clothes for the girls. When we were in Carter's the girls were helping me shop. They both kept pulling clothes off the rack and bringing them to me. Abby picked out a swim suit for herself and then found one for
Mckenzie just kept pulling random stuff off the racks. I should have brought the stroller in; it would have made things much easier. We also checked out the mall. It was OK, but there weren't a lot of stores. We ate some Chinese food at the mall, or I should say tried to eat. It was the worst mall food ever.
Mckenzie kept spitting it out and Abby was taking the smallest bites ever and after only a few bites, told me she was
soooo full. Needless to say, I stopped on the way home to get the girls something else to eat. Worked out for the better as it kept
Mckenzie awake on the ride home. After nap time, we went for a walk to the park. Dinner was quite the smorgasbord. The girls ended up eating rice, corn, pizza, and
popsicles. Abby had to wear her "jelly beans" to bed. I bought the girls each a pair of Jelly shoes at the Gap and Abby calls them "jelly beans".
Dinosaur faces! |
Mckenzie learned she can roll her tongue! |
Silly face! |
Tongue rolling is cute. I think both of my kiddos got Brent's "wierd" tongue!