
Happy Birthday to my amazing wonderful husband! Too bad we didn't get to spend the day with him, but at least we got to see him this morning! The girls and I drove to Philly to a doctor's appointment for Mckenzie. The opthamologist examined her, looked at her CT, and we schedule a day for surgery to remove the cyst by her eye. I am so glad we are getting closer to getting this thing resolved. The doctor's she saw today were great. A fellow examined her first, then the surgeon, and the opthamologist we made the appointment with. All had great personalities and made Mckenzie feel at ease. It was kind of cool that the surgeon and opthamologist are a father/son pair. That would be neat to be able to work with family. Both girls behaved very well, even though our appt took a long time. We were there for 2 hours!  We came back home and I ended up stopping on the way to pick up some McDonald's for the girls to help keep Mckenzie awake. It is so hard to keep her awake in the car when it gets close to bedtime and today was especially hard since they dilated her eyes. All she wanted to do was close her tired little eyes. But, we made it home and even had a little time to play before nap. Abby and I watched a movie during rest time and played with dolls. I would have preferred to nap myself as I had trouble falling asleep last night and I ended up laying on Mckenzie's floor for awhile as she woke up in the middle of the night.  Abby had a major tantrum this afternoon. Mckenzie was watching the Wiggles and Abby decided she wanted to watch Shrek. I told her she could as soon as the Wiggles was over. That did not sit well with her at all and she starting screaming and crying. I really need to figure out how to stop these silly tantrums she has been having lately. Nothing seems to be working! Maybe it is just being an independent 4 year old, I don't know. After dinner, we had to go vote on the board elections for Abby's preschool. I decided to run and I am hoping it is the right decision. I really want to find a way to get involved and I think that would be the best way. We ran to the grocery store after that because we were all out of milk, imagine that! So, the girls were an hour late getting to bed, but both went down pretty easily.

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