
What a day! I am so glad it is finally over! We got an email in regards to the closing on our house in Florida and I had to jump through a few hoops today in order to get everything done and shipped out today. But, it is done and we shouldn't have to do anything else with the house now. If I still wasn't so anxious about the whole thing I would probably be sad that we are really saying goodbye to our first home. The kids were in a mood today as well as me so the three us of didn't make a very good team today. I thinking they forgot they had ears to listen and I forgot my patience somewhere. But, the girls are in bed and I think I should head there soon too! We have gymnastics this evening and the girls had fun there. It was a little challenging to get Mckenzie to focus, but she didn't get a nap today and I am sure that is why. We are going to try to stop naps because she is resisting her bedtime. Last night it was 10pm before she fell asleep. I would rather give up naptime in order to have some time in the evening. Abby got really cranky during dinner and we put her to be early. I think she is going through a growth spurt because she was complaining her legs hurt earlier today and she was acting very tired. I hope she feels better tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the naps! Delia hasn't really consistently napped since about 18mos, but I still force her to hang out in her crib for a couple of hours. Occasionally she will fall asleep. But the only reason she stays is because it is the crib and she knows not to get out (she broke the tent about a month ago). The big girl room is *almost* done and naptime will probably be over for me too. What a sad, sad day.


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