I just love this picture of Abby because the girls did all the stamping on the picture and Abby wrote the girls' names on it.
Mckenzie woke me up around 6 this morning demanding chocolate milk, but I didn't hear from her again until around 9 when I opened her door! I can't believe she slept so late. Abby came to snuggle next to me around 7 and then laid in bed with me for awhile. I love laid back mornings like this! The girls went outside to blow bubbles this morning in their pjs. They didn't feel like getting dressed and I didn't feel like making them. They were happy and warm. That is all that matters. We skyped with Scott this afternoon and Abby had a really hard time with it. She was upset and cried for at least 20 minutes because she wanted her Daddy at home with her. I felt so bad for her, I didn't even know what to do. Nothing seemed to work until I asked her to help me with some chores. After that, she seemed to perk up a bit. And now I know that there is no reason I ever need to put away the girls' clothes as Abby is quite capable ;-) I had a fundraiser event for Abby's preschool tonight so the girls had a babysitter. It was a really nice evening out and I even managed to win a couple of door prizes!!!!!