Happy Easter! (And Happy Birthday to my oldest sis!) The Easter bunny was super generous this year and brought each girl a scooter! They have both been wanting one and I am so glad the Easter bunny heard! We went to church this morning and it was packed, which made the church hot, which made the girls cranky. Abby's choir sang and it was so fun to watch her up there. She didn't see where we were sitting, so I sent Mckenzie to the front of the church to get her. When she got up there, Mckenzie looked just as lost as her sister and the pastor made a comment about claiming lost children after the service.It was funny, although you probably had to be there to actually find it funny:) The girls got to ride their scooters after we got home from church. Abby was a little upset hers only had two wheels instead of three like Mckenzie's. But, she did enjoy riding it anyway. Mckenzie loved riding hers and didn't want to get off when it was time to go to our friend's house for dinner. All the kids had fun running around and playing and the meal was great! I tried a lot of new foods (asparagus for one! Honestly Scott, I did!!) I hadn't planned on making a big Easter meal so it was really great to have a dinner invitation. Even though dinner was around 3:30, I still had to make the girls some dinner when we got home because they were both sooooo hungry. But, after some chicken and rice, they were both so ready for bed and were asleep within minutes. That was nice because I needed to work on my CEU's. I don't know why I always leave my nursing education until the last minute, but I do. I managed to get about half of it done last night! Yay!
Patting her head and rubbing her belly!
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