Mckenzie had a rough night last night. I ended up sleeping in her bed. When I tried to sneak out, she woke up so I brought her to our room. Scott made a tasty breakfast for us and then we went strawberry picking. It was a great time and the strawberries are delicious! Abby was having a great time, looking for the juiciest strawberries. Every time she would find a really ripe one, she would get so excited. Mckenzie wasn't having much fun. She picked a few, but preferred to hold the basket while I picked for her. A quick ice cream cone for a treat and we headed home. We were going to let the kids play on the playground they have at the farm, but Mckenzie was getting really cranky so we called it a day. Turns out she was running a fever again today so after her nap Scott took her in to the walk in clinic. Luckily it is just a virus. Abby played at a friend's house this afternoon while I was at the spa. Scott surprised me with a massage. He has to be the sweetest husband out there! We played outside this evening and then it was off to bed for the girls.
11 pounds of strawberries!!!