I love how Dakota left her mark in this photo too! If you look at the orange block, you will see some teeth marks. We lose probably a toy a week to that dog and her chewing habits!
Another Monday has come and gone. Only one more Monday until our family is complete. I have been so emotional lately about Scott returning soon. I can't believe it is finally (almost) here! I have imagined how excited the girls are going to be and what their little faces are going to look like when they see their Daddy for what feels like forever and soon we will get to experience that! I think it is getting to Abby too. She woke up crying for Scott this morning and crawled into bed next to me, hugging her Daddy doll as tight as she could. I can't wait until she doesn't need to find comfort from her doll. After dropping Abby at school, Mckenzie and I took the car in for an oil change. I was thankful that Mckenzie was well behaved while we waited. We stopped by Target to get some bubble bath and left with a cart full! I got Abby's year end progress report from her pre-k teacher today. She said Abby is doing great and most definitely ready for kindergarten. She even counted to 119 when her teacher was assessing her skills! Yay Abby! I asked about any concerns she has in regards to Abby and the only thing she mentioned was her lack of focus at times. We are going to have to work on that this summer. Mckenzie cracks me up sometimes. She is really into Diego and has taken one of Dakota's leashes and claimed it as her rescue rope. She goes around the house, saving anything from her dolls to the dog from unknown dangers. I bought her a set of princess keys at Target today and she thought they were real keys. She got so mad at me when I told her they wouldn't start the car or open the door to the house! Oh, and I think Mckenzie has the photography bug. She was setting up her play camera and snapping pictures of her and I. It was so cute!
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