We finally purchased a treadmill. It will be so nice to have one at the house. Maybe Scott will be able to find some more time to workout! We took the girls to see the movie Dr. Seuss' The Lorax. It was a cute show and the girls really enjoyed. I felt bad for Mckenzie because she pigged out on M&M's and Sprite early in the show and had a belly ache for half the movie. We asked the girls what their favorite part of the movie was and they agreed that is was the part when the little boy was dreaming about kissing a girl and he was really kissing a cereal box. Too cute! We stopped at Olive Garden on the way home. A super tasty dinner :) While we were driving around today, the girls kept singing the theme song for Nationwide Insurance. We kept hearing "Nationwide is on your side" over and over and over. The girls couldn't stop giggling while they were singing it. I love when they get goofy like that!
The duck is the girls' bath toy, but the dog is just in love with it. She sneaks around with it in her mouth as if we don't know what she has. Silly girl!
Gorgeous side light. You've got the eye for lovely light, that's for sure!