

I got to be in Mckenzie's class this morning. She just loves being the leader and getting to ring the bell to signal the end of activities. I look back to when she first started in preschool and she has changed so much. She has gone from a clinging, crying, fearful toddler to this blooming, secure preschooler who looks forward to going to school.



Abby had Planet Day at school this afternoon so I got to hang out with her and help her with a few projects. I find it fascinating to see how quiet and diligent she is at school compared to her boisterous self at home. We made a constellation and a moon rock and a space ship. There were eight different stations we worked at. It was a lot of fun for the both of us :)
photo (2) Abby Mom at planet day



Scott woke up with whatever virus Abby had the other day. Luckily he was feeling better by afternoon and it didn't interrupt his plans for the day anyway. Sick or not, he was still able to watch football.

I am 25 weeks pregnant today and I finally got around to getting a belly pic. I have been meaning to do it for several weeks now, but somehow, the time has slipped away.

070 week 25 words



We decorated the Christmas tree today. I was a bit worried that we were going to need a new tree. When I was testing the lights, the first section I tested didn't work. But, after a bit of tinkering with it by Scott and myself, we managed to get all but a small strand working. So, off to the store I went to get some lights and we were back in business! The tree is at least 10 years old, so we are lucky that the lights have held up this long! I still remember buying that tree on clearance back in Charleston and trying to get it into the back of my Mitsubishi Eclipse. Lucky for me, the guy that helped me load the tree knew how to lower my backseat (heck if I knew, there was no reason for me to ever use it!) and it fit just fine! Anyway, I digress :) The girls put most of the decorations on the tree this year. It is a little heavy on the ornaments down low, but I tried hard not to rearrange too much. I had to do a little because it was really bugging me, but I reminded myself it wasn't about how the tree looks, but about the girls decorating it. I think they did a great job! Scott and I had a date night tonight. Our babysitter was home from college and she was able to watch the girls for us. The girls just love her and screamed excitedly when she came through the door.

 021 Abby

018 mckenzie

The girls crawled under the tree all by themselves. Gave me a chance to snag a photo of the two of them together.
015 Abby Mckenzie


Give Thanks Day 23: 328/366

I am thankful that Abby's fever seems to be short lived. She woke up with a fever and was not feeling the best for the better part of the day. Although by late afternoon, she was begging to play outside and run around.
I was working on an assignment for my photography class this evening. The girls looked so peaceful and innocent sleeping in their beds.

Abby Mckenzie 2012 085

Abby Mckenzie 2012 080

Abby Mckenzie 2012 096

Abby Mckenzie 2012 066

Abby Mckenzie 2012 055 Dakota

Abby Mckenzie 2012 050


Give Thanks Day 22: 327/366

I am thankful Scott was home for Thanksgiving to celebrate as a family. The holidays can be a little lonely knowing our families are together while we are so far away. I know many people complain about all the chaos surrounding the holidays but I would give anything to have that chaos if it meant we could celebrate with our families. We had a nice day here, watching football, playing with the kids and eating a tasty meal that we all worked together to make.

Abby Mckenzie 2012 046 Thanksgiving


Give Thanks Day 21: 326/366

I am thankful my little ones love to help me bake. Mckenzie helped me make apple crisp and Abby helped make the pumpkin cheesecake for tomorrow. They get so excited to help. Mckenzie had a Thanksgiving feast at school this morning. I think the only food she liked was the whipped cream for the desserts. I'm not too sure where she gets her pickiness. Abby celebrated as well in school and came home with her Indian Headdress and noodle necklace on. Scott made it home from his quick trip and the girls were delighted to see him.

One of my baking helpers:-)


Give Thanks Day 20: 325/366

I am thankful the weather was nice enough to take the girls to the park. Abby has been begging to go and today was the perfect day since she only had a half day of school. We met some friends at the playground and the kids ran crazy for quite awhile.


Give Thanks Day 19: 324/366

Untitled I am thankful that Abby's parent teacher conference went well. I think she is doing well in school, but it is always nice to hear it from the teacher.


Give Thanks Day 18: 323/366

I am thankful that we have been able to experience so many things during this assignment. There are so many places to visit here on the East Coast and we have been lucky enough to experience several of them. Today we went to see the 85th Rockettes Christmas Spectacular in NYC at Radio City Music Hall. It was AMAZING!!! The precision of the dancers was unreal. I found myself searching for someone to make a mistake, but I never saw one. The costumes were beautiful and the building itself was gorgeous. The girls were mesmerized by the performance. They screamed when Santa appeared and couldn't take their eyes off the dancers. I am so glad we were able to experience this as a family!
NYC bound!!!It's Christmas time! Well, almost.So excited!!!!! First time at the Rockettes!!!UntitledUntitledUntitled


Give Thanks Day 17: 322/366

I am thankful for mornings when the girls snuggle into bed with us. We didn't get up until 8:30! It was great!! Our day was busy with errands, working on the baby registry and taking Christmas photos topped off by dinner with friends. I love the bang bang shrimp at Bonefish Grill :) 048 b&w


Give Thanks Day 16: 321/366

I am thankful peppermint mochas :) Really, I am thankful for the little pick me ups in life. Nothing like wandering around Target, sipping on a coffee. Abby had a half day again so we got to spend some great time together, just us girls :)mckenzie ISL no glitter


Give Thanks Day 15: 320/366

I am thankful to have a husband that doesn't mind me going crazy over a photography class and who willingly poses any way I make him. This class is driving me nuts and subsequently, the rest of the house too! Hopefully it will pay off in the end :)

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Abby had a half day of school so we used the afternoon to work on some photos :) and to go to the library.
Untitled066 Abby ISL


Give Thanks Day 14: 319/366

I am thankful to be carrying a healthy baby boy. I had a doc appointment today and everything is looking good. We are over halfway done!!! Some days it feels like this pregnancy is dragging by and other days, I look at the calendar and realize how quickly the time has gone.

It is American Education week at school and I had the chance to observe Abby's classroom. It was great to see her interact with her teacher and friends. She loves to raise her hand, even if she doesn't know the answer. Abby and I worked on a reading assignment together and then it was time for me to leave. I  had so much fun and I'm pretty sure she did too :)

Love how her little hand is flopped over


Give Thanks Day 13: 318/366

I am thankful that we are able to provide our children access to extracurricular activities. I know there are people out there that aren't able to do that for their kids for many reasons and I feel so blessed that we are able to do so. Especially when I see how much the girls love their dance classes. I think M was born to be a princess ballerina. She loves to dress up and dance around the house.
013 rembrant triangle


Give Thanks Day 12: 317/366

I am thankful that Abby has taken such an interest in reading. She really likes Junie B. Jones books and as always, she checked out two that she hasn't yet read on library day at school. I was a little worried about her and reading because she used to be easily frustrated when it came to a word she didn't know. But, she has really progressed this school year and I am so happy for her!

Thankful that Abby has taken such an interest in reading

Scott had the day off from work and he was able to be in Mckenzie's classroom this morning. I'm not sure if Mckenzie was happier to have her Daddy in the class with her or to be the leader. She really, really likes to be the leader :)


Give Thanks Day 11: 316/366

I am thankful for our veterans, both those who have served us in the past and those currently serving us now. We are blessed to live in a country like we do and without the sacrifice of many, we wouldn't have that luxury.

It was a typical Sunday around here. Scott took the girls outside to play for awhile before settling in for football Sunday :)



Give Thanks Day 10: 315/366

I am thankful for my friends. I are so lucky to have friends both near and far, each one special in his/her own way. Some I have known since I was a child and others, just a short while, but each one is a blessing to me.

Today was kind of quiet. Not soccer or any other activities. Abby went to a friend's house to play and Mckenzie and Scott hung out together.

Abby looks so grown up in this photo! I can't believe she will be seven years old in just a few months!

049 Abby


Give Thanks Day 9: 314/366

I am thankful for my parents. They taught me so much in life and I hope I can do the same for my children. If it wasn't for my parents, I wouldn't be who I am today :)

Mckenzie and Abby went to a birthday party for a mutual friend tonight. It was loud and crazy and they both had a blast. I left the party with my ears ringing wishing I had just stayed home, but seeing how happy they were, made it worth it to me.

The photos I am turning in for my photography class this week. I am pretty happy with how they turned out!



Give Thanks Day 8: 313/366

I am thankful for my beautiful daughters. They are so special to me and I am lucky to be their mother. They are so different in many ways. Abby is a rule follower and likes organization. Mckenzie likes to make her own rules and is very emotional. They are both very loving and kind young girls and I look forward to seeing them grow. I feel like I have accomplished many things in life, but raising them is my greatest accomplishment.

We got some snow that stuck to the ground overnight so when the girls woke up, they were beyond excited to see the white ground. I let Abby play outside a bit before school and Mckenzie got to play outside when Abby got on the bus.  M and I made a snow girl and dressed it with Abby's mittens and hat so we could pretend Abby was playing with us. It was warm enough to melt most of the snow so we will have to wait to play in it again.

During dinner, we ask the girls what their most and least favorite part of the day was. Abby's was playing in the snow and making snowballs to throw at me. Mckenzie said hers was making two snow angels.

Playing in the snow before school!Snowball!!!!M and I made a snow girl named Abby since A had to go to school and couldn't keep playing with us!


Give Thanks Day 7: 312/366

I am thankful for being able to take another photography class in hopes to improve my skills. Sometimes it feels frivolous to spend money on learning photography when it is only a hobby. But, I am really looking forward to becoming better at taking photos. I feel like I don't have much time with baby number three on the way. I want to be able to capture his first months without red eye and awful composition and bad lighting!

Today was a half day for Abby. She was excited to be able to come home and play before having to do her homework. It was nice to spend the afternoon with both girls.

011 mckenzie side light


Give Thanks Day 6: 311/366

Today I am thankful for the ability to exercise my right to vote! I feel so blessed to live in a country where we get to be a part of the political process. Although I could do without all the negativity surrounding politics. I would like it if for once, a politician told the truth, not a half spun truth that helps get him/her elected, but the honest to goodness truth. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening any time soon.

The girls got to pick out a couple pieces of candy from trick or treating last night before they went to bed. Funny how they both picked out nerds as their number one choice :)

135-Mckenzie-candy-web 142-Abby-candy-web


Give Thanks Day 5: 310/366

I am thankful that we were able to trick or treat one last time with our friends in NJ. I was a little worried it wasn't going to happen with all that happened last week, but it all worked out! Abby had a great time trick or treating. She ran from house to house and didn't want to slow down for anything. Well, at least until the end when I ended up carrying her because her foot her. Seems like every year she has trouble with her shoes. Mckenzie had fun, but she got bored of it about halfway through and asked to go home. She wanted to go home after she got her first box of Nerds which was at the second house she went to. I made her keep going. Mama wanted some good candy! Scott wasn't able to join us as he was too busy at work. He did take Abby to a couple of houses in our neighborhood once he got home so he didn't miss out completely.

Both girls had parties at school. I just love being a part of them. I feel so blessed to be able to participate in their activities. I know all too soon, there won't be class parties to go to and I will miss that special time with my girls.



Give Thanks Day 4: 309/366

I am thankful for my hubby. He is a great husband and a great father to our children. He is kind and smart and most of all, he is very loving and generous. I am blessed he is in my life!

Scott ran a 10k this morning. He said it was a pretty cool run, although a little challenging. The route took them over the Ben Franklin Bridge and back into NJ. Mckenzie is fever free today so I am thankful for that too!



Give Thanks Day 3: 308/366

I am thankful that when Mckenzie gets sick she doesn't get crabby. Somehow she manages to be chipper and easy going. 

Poor kid has the flu :(

002 mckenzie


Give Thanks Day 2: 307/366

I am thankful that the clothes the girls have outgrown are going to be put to good use. I have been so hesitant to part with their old clothes but today I decided it was time to donate them. Clothes are not memories, they are just objects and they serve no purpose sitting in my garage. (I did save a few things for baby boy that were gender neutral and a handful of outfits that had special meaning to me, but only a few.) I cannot think of a better use for them than for someone who has been affected by Hurricane Sandy. So I spent the better part of my day sorting (summer stuff to Goodwill, winter for Hurricane Sandy people), washing, drying, and folding. They are ready to go and I can't wait to deliver them tomorrow :)

The girls finally went back to school today! I think we all were happy to be back into our routine. I took the time to look for some maternity clothes but ended up finding more for the girls than myself :) I even bought our baby boy his first outfit today :)

Thankful day 2


Give Thanks Day 1: 306/366

I decided I wanted to document an entire month of what I am thankful for and what better time to do it than November! Today, I am thankful for power. We lost power Monday night and it has been a long week thus far. So today, when Abby woke up in the wee hours of the morning, crying she was cold and didn't want to go back to sleep and then once I got her back to sleep, I couldn't fall back asleep and Mckenzie woke up with a bloody nose all over everything, I was a wee bit grumpy. I realized though, that I could either spend the day thinking it was a horrible day or I could put on my big girl panties and do something about it. I chose the latter. I called a friend and asked if we could come over to do a load of laundry (Mckenzie's lovey was a casualty of the nose bleed) and hang out for awhile. It was a great morning and luckily bear looks just like she did before the nose bleed. I would say good as new, but that would be a lie. That bear has been well loved for the last 4 years :) The kids enjoyed getting out of the house (as did I) and playing with their friends. When we got home, it was a wonderful sight. The outside lights were on, meaning we had power. Power means heat and that means I don't have to worry about the kiddos being cold tonight. What a blessing. We were lucky that losing power was the worst of our Hurricane Sandy experience. There are so many people that were devastated beyond belief and I pray that they are able to rebuild and grow from this awful situation.

Thankful for power :)

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