

We decorated the Christmas tree today. I was a bit worried that we were going to need a new tree. When I was testing the lights, the first section I tested didn't work. But, after a bit of tinkering with it by Scott and myself, we managed to get all but a small strand working. So, off to the store I went to get some lights and we were back in business! The tree is at least 10 years old, so we are lucky that the lights have held up this long! I still remember buying that tree on clearance back in Charleston and trying to get it into the back of my Mitsubishi Eclipse. Lucky for me, the guy that helped me load the tree knew how to lower my backseat (heck if I knew, there was no reason for me to ever use it!) and it fit just fine! Anyway, I digress :) The girls put most of the decorations on the tree this year. It is a little heavy on the ornaments down low, but I tried hard not to rearrange too much. I had to do a little because it was really bugging me, but I reminded myself it wasn't about how the tree looks, but about the girls decorating it. I think they did a great job! Scott and I had a date night tonight. Our babysitter was home from college and she was able to watch the girls for us. The girls just love her and screamed excitedly when she came through the door.

 021 Abby

018 mckenzie

The girls crawled under the tree all by themselves. Gave me a chance to snag a photo of the two of them together.
015 Abby Mckenzie

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