Scott returned from his trip. His last trip overseas. The reality of our move is starting to sink in. It always sneaks up on me. First you find out where you are going and when you need to be there and it seems so far away. Like you have plenty of time to do everything. There's time to visit those last few places you hadn't yet, or make a trip to your favorite place and schedule play dates and lunches with friends. But time slowly creeps up on you and before you know it, the end is closer than you think. The packers/movers are scheduled, the house is purchased, the organizing & purging has begun. Next week, Scott is going to do his last flight here. For all we know, it could be his last flight in the C-17 ever. When I think about this move, I get really sad. We have made so many good friends here and it will be hard to say good-bye. It will be harder to watch my girls say good-bye to their childhood friends. Their first friends they will most likely remember. The friends that all other friends will be compared to as they grow older. But, Scott and I will dry their tears when they miss their friends and help them find new friends to play with, all the while reminding them to keep their friends here in their hearts forever. As they say in the military, it isn't good-bye, it's see you later.
Cooper's 7 weeks old and wearing 3-6 months clothes. I think we can squeak by a little longer on the size one diapers, but it won't be long now! He is a growing boy!
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