Abby was so ready to get up this morning that she promised me I could sleep on the couch if I would come downstairs with her. What a sweet little girl I have. So, we headed downstairs and got her some breakfast and she was good to go. Scott and Mckenzie got up a little while later and came down to play. Scott found some nasty spy ware on our computer that wouldn't let us access the internet without purchasing lots and lots of software from this specific website. Whatever. He managed to fix the problem and we are good to go. During Mckenzie's nap, I actually played piano (it really needs a good tuning). I have started to play a little every now and then and I realize how much I miss it. Abby played along to. I tried to teach her a song, but her little fingers had some trouble. I wouldn't mind getting her into piano lessons and I saw a sign in front our one of our neighbors advertising piano lessons. She seems interested so maybe once we get settled into the school year I will look into it. When Mckenzie woke up from her nap, she was upset that I was the one to come and get her and started crying for Daddy. Since Scott was out for a run, she opted to wait in her bed with me on the floor next to her until Scott came home. Abby came into M's room before that could happen and Mckenzie was ready to get up then so she could play. They are getting so much better at playing together. Although some of it I could do without, such as Abby 'walking her dog'. The dog was Mckenzie biting the dog leash and Abby leading her around. Where they come up with these ideas I will never know. Scott wanted to take the girls to Chick fil A today so we went for supper. The girls had a blast playing and Abby even found a little playmate to play hide and seek with. Mckenzie is getting better at the stairs leading to the slide. She can make it up a few steps without Abby's help, although she is very unsafe and fell a couple of times. Luckily just on her bottom, but it was enough for me to tell the girls that if Abby didn't help Mckenzie we were leaving. After that, Mckenzie let Abby help her up the stairs. It was a great day spent with the family.
This is from a few days ago. Abby was singing away! |
playing dog |
Not a clear pic, but they give Scott the biggest smiles! |
Checking out the bushes in the front yard |
'big' jumps |
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