The girls and I went to Wegman's this morning and they both behaved great! I went for a few things and came out with way more than that! While we were there, Abby needed to use the restroom, so I let her go in by herself while Mckenzie and I waited by the cart. She was so excited to get to go in alone and she seemed to manage well, even flushing using her foot like I always do for her! She couldn't reach the sink, so she had to come and get hand sanitizer from me. She is growing up so fast! I had to tell her that she isn't allowed to go by herself all the time, just every once in awhile. We came home and while I unpacked all the groceries, Abby took Mckenzie to the bathroom. I didn't ask either one of them to go, but Abby decided that Mckenzie needed to go. Well, she didn't go, but she also didn't want to wear a diaper after that either so of course, I ended up cleaning up after the little stinker because she got to involved in playing and I forgot she wasn't wearing a diaper! After nap, the girls and I went to the park. We didn't stay long because Mckenzie got very cranky. I think she is getting a couple of teeth in on the top. I am hoping that is all because she can't get sick. Next week is her surgery and I don't want to postpone it. When we got home, I let the girls play in the front yard, riding bike, driving cars. Mckenzie came by me in the grass and took one of her shoes off. She started to put her foot in the grass, but didn't like the way it felt and jumped onto my lap as quick as she could. I tried to make her stand in the grass, but she lifted both of her little feet as high as they would go so she didn't have to touch it. Eventually, Mckenzie was running around the grass without shoes. Guess she just had to get used to the idea. Abby had fun riding her Barbie jeep all over. Mckenzie tried riding with her once, but didn't like the way Abby was driving and opted out! I let Dakota out in the front yard with us for a little while and I don't think her tailed stopped wagging until long after we were in the house!

Why drive when you can push? |
Waiting for a car to drive past |
So cool in her car! |
I was wondering the other day when the surgery was. Hope that goes well! How invasive is this surgery?