Happy 5th Birthday Abby
Abby woke me up this morning, saying "It's my birthday! It's my birthday! I'm five years old". A Very excited little girl. She was ready to go to her party as soon as she was awake! So, we waited until Mckenzie woke up and then we gave Abby her presents. She was so happy with what she got, although, after playing with her guitar for a little while, she was asking for a set of drums instead because her guitar didn't sound good. I explained it wasn't the guitar's fault and it would take some time before she could make it sound good. Although, it does need to be tuned. Anyone want to do that for me? I have no idea how! We picked up Abby's cake and it was huge! I wished I hadn't ordered a dozen cupcakes in addition to the cake. I was worried we wouldn't have enough and I was way wrong! Abby's party was a huge success! She had so much fun playing with all her little school friends and running around the huge climbing area and inflatable slides. Mckenzie had a good time too and I was so thankful that so many of the parents helped keep an eye on her for me. She only got misplaced once and no one even knew she was gone. I just saw her heading back towards the table by herself from an area she wasn't supposed to be in! She is so curious and seems to live by the "it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission" philosophy in life. Gotta love her spirit! Abby had a couple of upsets during the party. One time her skirt got caught on one of the slides and she got scared. The other time, she lost her necklace, but luckily it was found! I was a little surprised at how shy she was during the Happy Birthday song. She seems so outgoing most of the time, but every now and then, I see a glimpse of her more cautious side. Abby got to go in the cash cube as part of her party. It is a cube that has tickets with prizes on them that blow in the wind. Abby was hilarious to watch. She was more concerned with how she looked in the mirror than with actually reaching for the coupons. I couldn't stop smiling at her! It was a great time and we all were exhausted by the time we left. We made it home just in time to Skype with Scott. I felt bad for him because the kids were still so hyper and would hardly sit still or be quiet long enough to actually talk to him. I was impressed by Mckenzie because when Scott asked her how old Abby was, she immediately said 5 and held up five fingers. I'm glad to see she pays attention to what is going on around her. After we talked to Scott, I let Abby open up all her gifts from her friends. She was in heaven getting all those gifts! What generous playmates she has! Bath and dinner and it was time for the girls to head to bed. Mckenzie didn't get a nap today (unless you count the 10 minutes she fell asleep while I stepped out of the room to play with Abby for a bit) and she was very tired. She gets a little bit feisty when she is over tired and didn't even get to read a book tonight because she wouldn't sit still and she kept taking the book from me while I was trying to read it. I don't like taking away story time, but she was just too tired to stay up for it. It was a great birthday and I only wish Scott had been here to celebrate with Abby. I can't believe she is already five years old! Where did the time go? I can still remember waking up in the middle of the night in labor and Scott was at the door ready to go waiting for me to finish cleaning up the house before we went to the hospital! Abby is such a sweet girl and has been such a blessing. I am amazed at what a wonderful little girl she is turning into and I look forward to seeing what the future has in store for her! I am proud to say she is my daughter and I hope she feels the same pride when she looks at me as a mother!

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I'm sure she does! She is as lucky to have you as you are to have her! Happy Birthday Abby!