
My morning didn't start off too well today. Abby complained that she was still tired when I woke her up this morning because she was still tired. I tired explaining that she was tired because she didn't go to sleep last night, not that I was waking her up at some ridiculously early hour. I needed to stop by the ATM this morning and when I reached for my debit card, I realized I left my wallet at home. So, we went back home to get my wallet, returned to the ATM, and got my cash. I headed back home and halfway there, I realized I didn't grab my debit card out of the holder. So, I turned around and went back to see if my card was still there. It wasn't. I just about had a meltdown. I called the number for assistance listed on the ATM and it was a pain to get someone to talk to. It kept asking for an account number which was difficult to enter since I don't bank with Bank of America. Finally after entering zero multiple times and having the recording tell me to enter a valid option many times, I was able to speak to a gentleman who informed me that when a card is let in the machine, it is shredded. Great! Now I have no access to cash. I am thankful for security reasons the card isn't left hanging out there until the next customer arrives. There were no cars in line behind me so I doubt anyone grabbed it. Now I just have to wait until USAA sends me another card. Abby was so sweet to me about the whole thing, offering me hugs and saying she was so sorry I was feeling sad. Which of course made me cry even more. I always wonder if we are raising our children right and moments like that, where I see her true kind and concerned spirit, I feel reassured that we are doing something right. We were able to Skype with Scott again today. Abby commented on his bald head again. Mckenzie was napping and after the horrible night of sleep she had, there was no way I was waking her to chat with Daddy. Abby talked with Scott a little bit more today, but she was content to play with her toys while he and I talked. I took the girls to church tonight for dinner and a lesson/choir. The subs were not very tasty and the girls ended up eating a PB & J when we got home because they were both starving. But, Abby had a great time at choir and Mckenzie and I just hung out and talked with the other adults there. Mckenzie found a Dad willing to play with her and she wouldn't stop playing hide and seek and chasing after him. Things like that make me realize how much she misses Scott too. She just isn't able to verbalize it like Abby can.  The girls are in bed. Much easier tonight, although I miss the old days where we would put them in their beds at 8pm and at 8:10, they were both asleep. Maybe someday we can get back to that.

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