
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Church was not a lot of fun today. Mckenzie was very feisty and I ended up taking her out of the church service for a little bit. I can usually calm her down before she starts making too much noise, but one look at her after I told her she couldn't rip the hair clip out of Abby's hair and I knew it was going to get loud!  The drive home from church wasn't much better. I told the girls they didn't to watch a show on the way home (it's like 6 minutes tops!) and Mckenzie started screaming and trying to get out of her carseat, which she did manage to get her arms out. On a good note, we talked with Scott today. He is doing good! Mckenzie pitched quite a fit tonight about bedtime. When Scott first left and she wouldn't sleep, I let her take juice with her to bed (yes, I know how horrible it is) and I am now trying to break her of the habit. Last night wasn't a big deal. I can't say the same about tonight. She finally fell asleep after I sat on the floor next to her bed.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you can't tell from the pictures. They look perfect to me ;) Hope it goes better tomorrow. It's a new day, right? Bennie is sick tonight. I love that he is big enough to tell me what is wrong, but I hate that he doesn't understand being "sick". He kept asking why his throat felt like that :( Pitiful.


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