
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Apparently Mckenzie thought it would be a good idea to stay awake last night from 4am until 6:30am. I didn't think it was such a good idea, but since she didn't agree, we got to hang out for awhile! She did sleep in until after 8 so that was nice. We went over to a friend's house to play this morning. The girls had fun playing and played very nicely together. And, they didn't throw too big a fit when it was time to leave. Abby did get a bit moody, but she has been moody lately anyway. We had gymnastics tonight and wouldn't ya know it, the cranky old lady was after me again. Abby hurt her foot early during her lesson and her teacher brought her over to me. Abby sat with me for a little bit while Mckenzie was doing her stuff and she decided she was ready to join her class again. So Mckenzie stayed with her teacher while I started to walk Abby over to her class and the grump was on me again about how parents aren't allowed on the floor and I needed to get the receptionist to walk Abby on over. I would have had to walk farther on the gym floor to go get the receptionist to do that than just do it myself when I was only a few feet from Abby's teacher. I am so tired of her attitude. I can understand her saying something to me if I wasn't already on the floor for a Mommy and me class, but I'm out there already (And you can't tell me that after months of being on the floor with Mckenzie, she doesn't know that I am there for a Mommy and me class!). Doesn't make any sense to me. She really needs to mind her own business! Abby said her foot still hurt when we got home, but that pain was quickly diminished by the papercut she got from her Silverlicious book. She was upset over that papercut for over an hour and even when I put her to bed, she was still talking about it. I guess it really hurt! I hope she is in a better mood tomorrow. Seems like it is harder and harder to make her smile :( May can't get here soon enough!

1 comment:

  1. That was Bray the night before last. Thank goodness he slept through last night. Momma doesn't function well on lack of sleep ;)


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