Today was just one of those days for Mckenzie. She got upset and started to cry at dance because her name wasn't written on the bottom of her tap shoes. She cried on the way home from dance because her friend was getting to have a play date with a mutual friend this afternoon and Mckenzie couldn't go because she had a dentist appointment. Then she cried because she didn't want to go to the dentist and get the yucky fluoride (I don't like the fluoride either). The trip to the dentist went better than I thought and we left without tears. But don't worry, the tears came when I told Mckenzie it was time to leave the house to get Abby from school. I don't know if she is tired or getting sick or what. It was just an off day for her! And to think it started off so well with a donut and hot chocolate from Dunkin' Donuts.
At least Abby had a good day. She told me she advanced a level in reading and she really liked her lunch.
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