
First Grade!!!! 250/366

Abby was beyond excited about school this morning. She bounded into my room, jumped on my bed and shouted "School today! School today!" I love her enthusiasm for school and I hope she feels the same in 10 years! Too bad her love of school didn't help her shower any faster than normal. She still lounged in there for a good 20 minutes! The morning went really well and we made it to the bus stop in time to chat with her friend from last year who is attending a different school this year. She got on the bus and happily waved goodbye to Mckenzie and I, ready to start her first grade adventure. I waved back through teary eyes and hoped her day would be as fabulous as she was expecting it to be. Abby's day lived up to her expectations. She got off the bus and told me how awesome first grade is. Yay! She was eager to share what happened during the day. So different than last year when it felt like I was prying for information. She told me all about drawing her name in Art class and sitting with her friend at lunch. I asked if she did any math. She said no and then proceeded to tell me about a survey the teacher took where 18 people liked something, 4 people didn't for a total of 22. It's a shame they didn't do any math today! I also asked what her favorite and least favorite parts of the day were. Art followed by lunch was the best. Free play time was the worst because there were only a few games and not much to do. The gleam in her eyes while she was talking about the day showed me how much she really enjoyed the day. I am so thankful:) Maybe tomorrow I will worry less about how she is surviving without me for an ENTIRE day! 008 Abby016 Abby017 Abby walking to school019 the bus stop022 Abby on bus023 Abby on bus to first grade036 Abby coming home037 Abby home from first grade

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