Mckenzie graduated from preschool. It was a short, but sweet ceremony with a slide show, songs sung by the graduates, and of course, the receipt of a diploma. Mckenzie was beyond excited to walk across the stage to receive her diploma and get hugs from her teachers. (Mckenzie gives them both the squeeziest hugs every time.) I am so proud of Mckenzie for working hard this past year. She has blossomed into a beautiful young lady ready for Kindergarten! On the way home, Mckenzie told me she had a secret to tell me and proceeded to divulge that she had a crush on Owen and that he is her boyfriend. Tonight was not the first night she shared this "secret" with me and I don't think it is a secret to anyone else that she likes him. After all, she chases after him on the playground and tries to kiss him (where in the world did this come from?????). But what was cute about it tonight was Abby said "Well, he's not your boyfriend. He's a friend who is a boy." Mckenzie didn't agree with that and insisted Owen was her boyfriend. Abby asked if Owen knew he was her boyfriend to which Mckenzie replied "Of course not. It's a secret!" She makes me smile. All too soon she will be grown and have a real boyfriend. So for now, I will enjoy her having a childhood boyfriend who doesn't even know he's a boyfriend!
Walking to the stage! Super excited!!!
Reciting the "Thank You" prayer
Mckenzie walking to get her diploma!
Graduate Mckenzie!!!
The whole gang!
Sisters :)
Giving Mrs. Pratt a super squeezy hug
And one for Mrs. DiPaola too!
Adorable! LOVE the second one! Congrats!