
As I sit here reflecting on the day, wondering what to write about, I am listening to muffled, little voices talking to one another when they are supposed to be going to sleep :) They sound so sweet and gentle when just 10 minutes ago, they were running around, screaming and growling. Mckenzie makes some great animal noises these days. Her dog bark sounds like a grunt and when she makes it, her whole body thrusts forward. All her other animal voices pretty much sound the same ~they all sound like growls! Her vocabulary has just exploded recently. She said her first sentence the other day, "my dada" and today she said mine for the first time in protest when Scott tried to take something from her. She is also into copying everything we do. Abby jumps, Mckenzie tries to jump. Mckenzie tells us no, Mckenzie grunts and shakes her head at us. You get the picture. I am not sure if i can handle it if she starts copying Abby's dressing style. Her sense of style is ever changing and today she came up with quite the outfit again. Abby may look a little silly some days, like the day she insisted she wear her butterfly wings out shopping, but I absolutely love she knows what she wants and her independence to do it.
I think the funniest thing today happened at lunch. Abby was sitting at the table, eating her pasta and she heard a loud plane outside. She looked at Scott and exclaimed "Ooooohhhh my goodness daddy. Is that a C-17?" The dramatic way she said it made us both laugh. Another thing that makes us laugh is the way Abby has started carrying Mckenzie all over the house. Mckenzie can be sitting on the floor, minding her own business and Abby will suddenly determine Mckenzie would rather be in some other room in the house. Abby will proceed to carry her there and Mckenzie just puts up with it, finding something new to entertain herself with wherever she was dropped off at!


  1. Barb I just LOVE this blog!!! You must teach me how to do this!!! Maybe next month when we get together you can show me the ropes!! I love reading your words and the music is such a perfect touch! I hope you are able to keep this and when the girls get older they will just love being able to read how you documented their days!! Can you add video too? You have to get Abby on video with her hands on her hips...we gotta hear what she says with those stances!!! :)

  2. Hey girl! Thanks so much. I enjoy doing this. It is easy and I can remember the little things that make me laugh all day. When I go to scrapbook, I always seem to have forgotten all the small memories. It is so easy to do and doesn't take me much time at all. I am sure you could easily get into it!

  3. I so understand, everytime Jackson says something funny we always tell ourselves we should write it down so we can show him the silly things he came up with when he was little!

