
Sunday, January 17,2010

What a cold, wet, dreary day outside, but inside it was the total opposite. Abby and Mckenzie are so full of life. I love how they play together now. They are starting to share toys. Abby still wants to have at least one more of whatever they are playing with, but she is getting better. Now instead of just taking what she wants from Mckenzie, she offers Mckenzie some alternate toy before taking off with whatever it was she wanted. We ran to Target and in the car on the way home, Abby was holding Mckenzie's hand and giving it kisses. Mckenzie was just laughing. I love her little laugh. It is so sweet and innocent :)

On a side note, the Vikings totally kicked the Cowboys butts! It was fun to watch Abby watch the game. She would look back and forth between Scott and the TV. I think she was trying to figure out when to cheer. When the Vikings scored, she would scream and jump and give out bumps! Mckenzie was a little frightened by how noisy we all were. You think she'd be used to that by now.

1 comment:

  1. The sharing sounds a little like our house. I love the sweet moments between sibs.

