

I love bedtime! I don't think kids love it as much though because tonight when we told the kids it was time to clean up so they could go to bed, they both protested. Not for long, but Abby said "NOOOO" and Mckenzie said " NOOOOO!!" with even more emphasis. I think No is Mckenzie's newest favorite word, along with mine like we talked about yesterday. She gets this cute little smile on her face after she says it. Most times I don't think she really even understands the meaning of it. We told her it was bath time and she shouted "no" all the while she was rushing to the bathroom to get into the tub. The kid loves baths so why she would tell us no is beyond me!

Abby has been throwing these wonderful tantrums lately. Tonight it was over the color of her dinner plate. Mckenzie got the prized pink plate while Abby was given the horrible red plate. I don't know what we were thinking by giving her such an ugly plate. She saw her plate and the whining started. "But I don't want the red plate, I want the pink plate" "Well Abby, you can have the pink plate tomorrow for breakfast" I wisely suggested hoping to get this over with. Unfortunately, it didn't work. I then suggusted she go to her room until she could behave nicely. So she ran to her room and shut her door loudly. Not quite a slam, but I think we are well on our way. She eventually got over her tantrum. Now it is just up to me to remember to give her the pink plate for breakfast!


  1. Gosh Barb, you just don't know how much this sounds like our house! Especially the plate color. Ben wants blue "cause I like blue." :) Good thing Delia doesn't care yet!

  2. I love this sounds like someone else's house. Sometimes I think we are the only ones that have these silly little battles!

