Still cold and wet today, but the wind settled down so it didn't seem as bad. We lost power like 5 times during the night. One time when the power came back on, Scott jumped out of bed and started fanning the ceiling fan with his pillow. Apparently he thought it was a smoke detector going off and wanted it to quit. I "politely" asked him what he was doing and told him to turn off the light (which for some ridiculous reason comes on every time the power comes back on even if it was off when the power went off) before it woke up Abby. Abby was very scared by all the power outages last night. I don't blame her. There is something in our house that makes a loud noise everytime the power returns. I don't know what it is, but I would like to find out and break it! Needless to say, Abby ended up sleeping in our room again. Mckenzie slept through the whole thing. Glad one of our kids is a deep sleeper!
We went to Perkins for breakfast and it was pretty tasty. Always reminds me of home! Mckenzie was very friendly and kept saying hi to everyone that walked past our table. We ran to Best Buy again today and bought a Dyson vacuum. We saw one that was discounted because it had been opened. The lady at the store said everything was there so we bought it. Turns out there was some things missing. So, Scott returned it and got us an unopened one. We tried to do price matching at Lowes, but they wouldn't honor Best Buy's price because the website they use to check a competitors stock said there were none in stock at Best Buy. Whatever. Scott went back to Best Buy and there were three on the shelves in addition to the one we returned! Oh well, it is worth the money we spent. I was amazed and horrified at the amount of dirt and dog hair I vacuumed up tonight. I had to empty the canister twice and I only vacuumed the lower level. Crazy. At least now our floors will be cleaner. And I will never buy a cheap vacuum again. It was money well spent.
Poor Abby is still freaking out over the power outages we keep having. The power has flickered two or three times since we sent her to bed and Abby is not liking it one bit. I hope for her sake it stays on the rest of the night. She usually sleeps with her bedside lamp on, but she wanted that off tonight too. Mckenzie is having trouble falling asleep too (I'm sure her problem is the time change). Periodically, she will starting shouting for me. Let's hope they get some rest tonight because tomorrow is a school day!
Happy 78th Birthday tomorrow (3/15) Grandpa Eisenberg! We send our love!