(Abby insisted on another pic on the stairs!)It was another gorgeous spring day out. We didn't even need coats! We had to run to the grocery store today and for once, both girls behaved. It seems like one of them is always acting up when we go shopping so today was a real treat for me. Abby likes to help me shop and as we walk along the aisles, she is constantly asking if we have this or that or can we buy this. Sweet and I know she is trying to be helpful, but half the time I forget what I really need. Maybe I should start a grocery list... Oh well. When we were driving back from the grocery store, there was a really bad driver around us and I of course, made a comment like usual. Abby chimed in today with "He's a bad driver. The other cars aren't bad, but he's being naughty!" I guess maybe I will have to keep my comments about other drivers to myself! Poor Mckenzie fell asleep on the way home, which made getting her down for a nap a little tough, but she finally caved! The girls were so funny at lunch. Mckenzie has a habit of feeding Dakota while we eat, so of course Dakota sits right next to her at meal time. Today, Mckenzie would lean down while she was eating and Dakota would like her face. Abby decided she needed to get in on the action, though she was a little shy at first, and pretty soon Dakota was running between the girls licking their faces. So silly. Took the girls outside to play again and when Scott got home, we took the dog and girls for a little stroll. The girls were on a destructive path today. Mckenzie's room looked like it had been through a tornado; there were toys and blankets and puzzle pieces everywhere. Abby has apparently renamed Dakota, as tonight she told her "I love you Dakota Grace!" As far as I know, Dakota doesn't have a middle name... Figured out why Mckenzie had such a rough time sleeping last night; she cut another molar on the bottom. Hopefully tonight will be better for her.

The girls love running laps in the backyard!
I have no idea what kind of planes these were, but they flew over the house today. Thought it was kind of cool.
The girls look so different from each other. You and Scott each have a mini me.