Mckenzie decided to wake us up at 6 this morning. I tried to make her go back to sleep, but she would have none of that. She did lay on me for awhile, but she would keep looking at me and smiling. So sweet! Abby didn't wake up until Scott was leaving for work and she got upset over not getting to see him this morning. So I let her pout on the stairs while I got ready and finally she got over it when I asked her if she wanted to get dressed for school on the staircase. She loved that idea, saying "this is just for special!" Abby did great when I dropped her off at school, running into her class while saying "HI MRS. SHARPE!!!!" Scott said when he picked her up, they were flying handmade kites outside. Looks like she made a new friend today, because Scott said Abby made a special point to say goodbye to JP. I am so happy for her!

The kids got to play in the backyard today as most of the snow is finally gone! What little bit was left, Abby and Mckenzie had fun throwing at the trees and me! We went for a quick walk around the neighborhood and stopped by the playground. Abby was swinging all by herself today! Yeah!!!
Mckenzie has learned she has pockets on her pants and tries to fit her pudgy little hands into them. Then she walks around with her hands in her pockets and a big smile on her face. She loves to smile, especially when she knows she is doing something wrong like standing on the ottoman or walking on the edge of the couch. She is so mischievous and when you tell her no, she goes right back to it. Tonight Scott set her down when she kept walking on the couch. He must have broken her heart because she covered her face with her hands and buried her head into her lap.
Abby is up in her room, supposed to be going to bed, but I can still hear her little voice talking up a storm. I wish I could see what she is doing...
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