
We had a field trip for Abby's preschool today to a place called Paws Farm. It is a cute place where the kids can get close to the animals and also has a lot of play areas, both indoors and out. The girls got right next to a swan and Abby chased a poor chicken all over the place. It was pretty cold and wet out so we didn't visit all the animals instead opting to play inside. There was a mini-grocery store with metal shopping carts and the girls played there forever. The one slide was pretty tall and Mckenzie couldn't get to it herself, so when I picked her up and let her go down, she was all smiles. Couldn't get enough of it! She also really liked driving in the car. It was a great way to spend the day and I can't wait to take the girls back when the weather is better. And hopefully next time Abby won't throw a fit over leaving. I tried to make it easier to leave by offering Chick-fil-A, but it didn't help. She kept screaming and so I had to tell her she couldn't go to Chick-fil-A either and that make things even worse. She screamed forever! This has to be one of her worst fits ever. I felt so bad for her and really wanted to give in and take her for a treat anyway, but I know that wasn't the right thing to do. Anyway, lunch at home and then nap time for Mckenzie. I can tell she still isn't up to par because she slept for 3 hrs! That is a long nap for her. Scott got home and we headed to Target and out for a quick dinner. On the way home, Abby was in one of her question moods. She continuously asks questions and as soon as you answer, she is coming back with, "but why mommy/daddy?" Half the time I have no idea so I make stuff up. She always wants to know why other cars are on the road or where they are going or why they just ran the red light (she has a habit of looking to the light on the side instead of in front of her). I love that she is curious; I just wish I could have a little break from all the questions!

The poor chicken that Abby loved chasing!


  1. You did the right thing. You're a good momma. ;) Most of the time it is harder on us to do the right thing.

  2. Oh and I got your card yesterday. Makes me feel better that I'm not the only forgetful one :) I do things like that all of the time.


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