Abby ended up in our bed some time during the night and Mckenzie slept in. Go figure! Scott took the car in to get an oil change and the girls and I stayed at home and played. Seems like they fought over every little thing this mornign. Gotta love those days. After lunch, I took the girls out to play in the snow. They were wearing last years snowpants which were about 3 inches too short and tennis shoes because their snow boots don't fit any more, but they had a blast out there! Scott came home shortly after we went out and it was so fun for all of us, Dakota included, to play outside. Abby couldn't get enough of being the "king of the hill" and rolling down the hill or throwing snowballs. Mckenzie had a heck of a time standing up in the snow and so she decided she would roll everywhere she went. She liked throwing snowballs at me. She would get so close to me and then still miss! It would either fall behind her as she lifted her arm to throw, or she would miss me by a mile. I love how much fun they had running around out there. Watching the dog was funny too. She would chase snowballs and then wonder where they went or take a bite out of the snow. A couple of times, we caught her rolling around in the snow. I had a follow up eye appointment this afternoon and Scott took the girls with him while he got his truck cleaned and oil changed. It seems like we have so many things we need to get done in the next few days. I ran a few errands before we met up at Best Buy. I needed to get boots for the girls as they were wearing tennis shoes earlier and their poor toes got very cold! We went to dinner at Pei Wei (a Chinese restaurant) and were pleasantly surprised. It was very tasty and great service. Abby wanted to use chopsticks and did a good job doing so. A very nice lady next to us gave us the holder that makes it easier to use chopsticks. The best part was how fun Abby had using the chopsticks. Mckenzie just played with her sticks and kept dropping them. Knowing that in just a few days, our dining out experiences will probably be limited to Chick fil A, I had a great time. Abby and I put together her Tinkerbell puzzle and she was so proud when she finished. It was 100 pieces and the first time she has done one that big! Mckenzie and Scott worked on shapes and colors while we did that and then it was bedtime. Abby has been fighting going to sleep a little bit, but Mckenzie went right to sleep. Probably because she didn't get much of a nap (she did fall asleep on Scott's shoulder in Best Buy, but I'm not sure that counts!).

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- The last day of 2010. This year has gone by so qui...
- Abby ended up in our bed again last night. Even th...
- Abby ended up in our bed some time during the nigh...
- GAME DAY!!!!!!
- We ended up getting about a foot of snow. It alway...
- It started snowing this afternoon, so we took the ...
- Ok, it's officially Christmas, so Merry Christmas ...
- Merry Christmas! Ok, well, Merry Christmas Eve. Wh...
- Yay! Both girls slept in their own beds all night ...
- I was lucky enough to sleep on both Abby and Mcken...
- The girls didn't want to go anywhere this morning ...
- Abby slept in our bed again last night, complainin...
- Abby had her Holiday Happenings party (aka Christm...
- The girls and I had a couple of errands to run thi...
- Scott went to school with Abby today. Abby was so ...
- We went over to a friend's house for a playdate a...
- Another cold Monday. I am so not ready for this co...
- Mckenzie was restless last night so Scott ended up...
- What an adventurous day! We decided to take the gi...
- Scott had a late sim last night and didn't get hom...
- We spent a lot of time running errands today. We d...
- Abby was very excited to get back to school today....
- Abby slept through the night and has been feeling ...
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- A wonderful Saturday morning. The girls both slept...
- Scott didn't have to work until later this morning...
- We had family photos taken today. I wanted to get ...
- Scott trapped another unwanted visitor this mornin...
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