The last day of 2010. This year has gone by so quickly and so much has changed. We have gone from living out of temporary lodging into a home, from a life where Scott was home just about every night to one that he spends many nights away from his family. From being homeowners to renters, from having a little one that I could still call a baby to one that is most definitely not anymore. So much happens in just one year and I am so glad that I have been able to capture our life through this blog. It hasn't always been pretty, but it is who we are. I want our girls to be able to look back at this one day so they understand where they came from and how they became who they are. Scott and I were talking the other day about how wonderful it would be to know what our lives were like when we were this little. Sure, we know what our parents tell us, but as a parent now, I realize how quickly one forgets the little things and how easy it is to think you remember something one of your children did, only later to realize it happened, just not to the child you first thought. We aren't perfect and so how could our memories possibly be perfect? So, I am grateful to have the ability to capture our day to day life. I want to see if there is some way I can make a book out of this blog so the kids will have access to it when they are grown. I am so thankful for many things this past year and I look forward to 2011 being just as wonderful. It was hard starting out the year in a new place with no friends living nearby, but we have been blessed with new friends and it is starting to feel like home here now. I think Abby feels the same way. She still asks about Florida and says she wants to go back, but it doesn't happen as often and it doesn't seem to upset her when we tell her that isn't possible. Mckenzie is lucky this move. She was too young to understand what was happening. This is where her first memories will come from and I hope we can make them as memorable as Abby's are for her.
Today was busy for us and started off early. 6:30 is when Mckenzie came over to our room. (Funny how I consider that early now when it wasn't too long ago that we considered that sleeping in. Can't say I miss getting the girls up so early in the morning so I could go to work.) Mckenzie was ready for her first yogurt so Scott took her downstairs. We went to Perkins for breakfast this morning and then we headed over to the mall. Scott needed a haircut and after he was done, we split up and finished our errands with only one kid in tow. Makes life much easier. Scott wanted to do a little shopping for birthdays and I needed to make arrangements for Abby's birthday. Got those things squared away and we all met up for a kids New Year's Eve party at an indoor play area. The girls had a blast playing, eating pizza, getting their faces painted, and ringing in the New Year with horns and balloons. Lots of fun and only a few tears. Mckenzie got scared in the big play area once and another time she starting crying because a boy hit her. Other than that, it was all good. Abby played so hard, she was sweating and her little face was so red! Scott and I were exhausted when we left, but the girls seemed to be filled with energy. I don't know how that works! Scott had to finish up a couple of errands so I took the girls home while he did that. We took the easy way out for dinner and ordered in. We really need to stop doing so much of that this coming year. Scott gave me my birthday present and bought a cake for Abby and me. So, we did our birthday cakes a little early. Very sweet and thoughtful of Scott. We let the girls run a little bit of the sugar out of their body before trying to put them to bed.I am hoping we can stay up until midnight to watch the ball drop. It would be fun to be able to be in NYC to see it live, but there is no way I would ever do it with kids in tow.

Mckenzie wanted to show me her sad face.

Check out They make books out of blogs. I think I'm going to do that, but because I websized my pictures, I'm going to need to do it all by hand which seems a little daunting right now. If you didn't resize, you should be able to just link your blog and I think it does everything for you. You can customize it if you like though. Hope this helps! You ready to do it all again?
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm glad you did a blog too. I feel like we have been in touch a lot more this year.