Scott didn't have to work until later this morning, so I took Abby to school by myself. I like my alone time with her because it is so rare these days. I miss our one on one time before Mckenzie came along, but I wouldn't change that for anything. I just need to be better at spending time with each child separately. After class, the girls and I had a playdate at Chick fil A. The girls were both so excited when I told them. It was cute to watch! They all had a great time playing and did so without any major problems. Mckenzie got scared one time when she got separated from Abby and she was surrounded by a bunch of other kids. But, a few minutes of mommy time and she was good to go. Oh, and the pacifier helped a little too! We ran to Target to pick up a step stool for Mckenzie's bed, but they were out of stock. Seriously?! I really need one and they only have the single step stools, not the double. I will have to see if I can find one tomorrow. The kids were misbehaving so much that I didn't want to keep looking. We can home and Mckenzie fell asleep on the drive. I was able to put her up in her room and she took a nap. Abby and I had fun playing piano and singing together. I played We Wish You a Merry Christmas while she sang. I think she could have kept singing all day long! It was so fun! When Mckenzie woke up, we had to run an errand and then we stopped at the Hallmark to pick up our Elf on The Shelf. It is this great book that comes with an elf that watches over the children during Christmas and then he reports their behavior to Santa. So, every night, the elf flies to the North Pole to talk with Santa and then he reappears in a different spot in your house each day. I think it will be a neat tradition to start. The girls named him Buddy. If left to their own devices, I am not sure what they would have named him, but I placed plenty of hints for the name so that is what they picked! Abby always seems to pick out of the ordinary names for her dolls that I can't pronounce, so I wanted something a little easier for us all! The girls are having a sleepover in Mckenzie's room tonight. It is hilarious to watch them on the video monitor. They are getting along so well right now. They are not getting to sleep, but it's a weekend. Maybe they will sleep in! HAHAHA!!!
Buddy the Elf! |
She doesn't like the flash! |
We got one last year and I forgot his name! So this year, Ben renamed him "Milky." Random, I know. I was going to take a picture of him today as my 365 pic. Milky the Elf. Good luck remembering to move him! Milky goes back to the same spot some days. :)