I checked out a preschool for Abby today and it looks like a good fit for our family. So, she gets to start on Monday! Yeah!! They have a science class and a chef class which I think she will really enjoy. She was a bit shy about checking things out today, but that is pretty typical of her. I just hope things go smoothly on Monday. Right now she sounds excited about going so hopefully she will feel the same when I try to leave her on Monday. They don't offer daycare so I don't know how any of this will work out if I decide to look for a job, but we will cross that bridge when we get there! It will be fun to have some one on one time with Mckenzie. Abby is starting to act out at bedtime again. We had problems with her not wanting to sleep in her room before we left Pensacola and she had been doing pretty good while we were travelling, but lately, she keeps saying she can't fall asleep or doesn't want to go to bed. I don't know what her deal is. Last night I was so tired I just took her to bed with me and Scott put her back in her own room when he got home from his flight at midnight. I know I shouldn't do that, but...
Mckenzie has been using the potty off and on and tonight she told me she had to go and actually went! It is so exciting. I would love to have her potty trained by 2! Abby really wanted to do arts and crafts with glitter today. Her actual request was to make a cat and use glitter. So, my fantastic drawing skills came out and she decorated my cat (which was hideous by the way) with glitter and made it beautiful! We even made handprints in glitter. It was so fun. She also asked to do her "school work" today. We give her a book and assign her pages to do. She gets such a kick out of it.
Dinner at Olive Garden rounded out of day. Abby was begging to go to the lobster place (Red Lobster), but we told her it was closed as we didn't really want to go there tonight! Little white lies are ok right?
Mmmm. Red lobster. How could you not be in the mood for those biscuits. You are about to give me the kick in the pants to potty train Delia. I think she is ready, but not sure I am! I hear girls are so much easier. I think I may wait until warmer weather so I can do the naked thing. What is your method?