
Yesterday was a very busy day for us between cleaning and running to Target and the grocery store. I was busy doing laundry and Mckenzie was helping me in her own way. I heard a strange noise coming from the hallway and it turns out that strange noise was Mckenzie coloring on the wall! Fortunately, it came off the wall because neither Scott nor I want to paint the foyer! The girls were good and helped me clean up the mess. Mckenzie is such a little stinker! Today, she was trying to sit on the dog. Poor Dakota, she just takes it and looks at us with her big brown eyes as if begging us to make Mckenzie leave her alone. Mckenzie also likes to have Dakota give her kisses. Her face, belly, pacifier, anywhere the dog will lick he r. Mckenzie squeals in delight! Both girls are loving having the dog back. I caught Abby and Dakota taking a snooze together this afternoon. Let's hope Abby doesn't stay up too late! During dinner Abby and I were talking about how old you had to be before you could do certain things since she is always saying "I'm 4. I can do xyz..." I asked her how old you had to be to drive a car and she said 16. Good answer I thought, but I then asked how old before you could have a boyfriend and she said one!  Guess she still doesn't have the whole concept of time down yet!  Scott's friend, Gabe, came for a visit yesterday and we had a great time. We hadn't seen him since Pensacola so it was nice to see a friendly face. And his visit forced me to get the house in order for the most part. I love waking up and seeing our photos on the wall, especially the beach pics we had taken before we left Pensacola. It is really making this feel like our home instead of just a place to hang our hat! Now if we can get that dishwasher problem resolved...

1 comment:

  1. Uh oh. We have only had one crayon incident yet, and it was the carpet (which cleaned easily too). You can't leave kids for half a second!


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