
Yay! We got a new dishwasher installed today! No more half clean dishes!!!! Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be excited about a dishwasher.  Abby decided to throw another tantrum this morning when I told her she couldn't go outside and play. It was way too windy and it was still snowing. So, I told her she was going to lose a star from her rewards chart and that sent her over the edge. All I heard was "I don't wanna lose a star." Maybe tomorrow she will think before she throws a tantrum. Mckenzie is trying to learn to jump. She doesn't get either foot off the ground, she just squats a little and comes up on her tip toes. Its cute. I will be sad when she actually gets her feet off the ground. That means she is less my baby and more a little girl :(  They both are growing up so fast. Every time I turn around, each one is passing another milestone. Abby knows how to write her name now. I know it won't be long before she can read or write sentences. I look at her now and it amazes me to see how much she has grown. She has gone from a helpless infant to an independent little girl who likes to do as much on her own as possible. Of course she has those moments like tonight where her legs were "too tired" to walk so I had to carry her. We took the kids out to Red Lobster tonight. Both girls get so excited to see the lobsters. They behaved so well and it was a great night out to eat. Oh, out of the blue this afternoon Abby asked for pickles. Both girls love pickles. Needless to say, I need to add pickles to my grocery list! Scott talked to Abby about him having to leave for work on Sunday. Abby then kept saying "Daddy's going to be gone for a couple of days. He is going to pick up some people. I can't go with him cuz I have school". I love how she tries to be so grown up and explain things to Mckenzie.
Abby is "helping" Mckenzie jump in this picture!


  1. Isn't it so nice when you can eat dinner out and everyone is soooo good! I love that feeling! Glad you had a good day. And hopefully Abby will earn her star back today. :)

  2. Barb, Addy has the same dress as M!!!!!! She wore it in her 3 month pictures, I gave you some right?? Too funny! To bad we didn't both have that dress V-day weekend!! :)


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