
It was a quiet day at our house, not much going on. Scott had to write a paper for his master's class and I really didn't feel like doing much of anything. Even Target didn't sound fun today. I had to run to the post office and Target and I think I would have rather just hung out in my pjs all day. The girls played so nice together today, which doesn't happen every day. Abby played some Wii with Scott and it is so cute to listen to her. If something doesn't go as she planned, she screams "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?".  Abby wanted to do more glitter art (it is way too messy to use everyday!), but we distracted her from that idea with taking a bath instead. Our kids love baths! You just start saying "its bath night" and Abby is already naked and Mckenzie is trying. Good thing she doesn't know how to undress herself yet, unless it is zip up jammies. I made chili for dinner tonight and I don't know why we give it to Mckenzie. She doesn't like the tomato flavor or hamburger so normally she just eats the beans, which we have to suck off the sauce. Oh, and if you were wondering, Abby is wearing the same clothes as yesterday. She wanted to sleep in them and then she didn't want to change this morning either. I figure why argue, it means less laundry for me to do!


  1. Yeah, I'm thinking D is getting ready, she can totally take off her clothes. I found her completely naked after nap a couple of weeks ago. And in the morning she'll say "Wipe my tee tee off!" I can't believe how verbal she is. I'm thinking of waiting until warmer weather to do the naked potty training boot camp with her. It worked really well for Ben. Well, the pee thing was easy with Ben. The poop thing, a whole other story. But, he was trained at about 28 months, I think. Completely by the time he was 2 1/2 (rare accidents and overnight).

    Your picture looks like Brent and the kids. They love to climb all over him. ;) I'm glad they don't think they can do that with me!

  2. I made chili Saturday too!!!! Musta been a chili kinda day! :)


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