
I think today has been the most productive since we got here! Mckenzie's room is set up minus pictures on the walls, but her room was so much work. She is changing clothes size again so I had to get rid of the things that no longer fit and find room for the new to Mckenzie clothes (aka Abby's old clothes). Boy did Abby have a lot of clothes. I feel bad for dressing Mckenzie in so many hand me downs, but they are still in such good condition. Abby's room is mostly organized. I just put away all her clothes and we are set in there too. There are still so many things I need to do like get rugs for the floors and the pictures and shelves on the walls, but they both have curtains and toys to play with!  Abby has such a little attitude. Tonight we put her too bed and not two minutes later she was out of her room insisting she have two lights on in her room. We told her she had her nightlight and that was enough light. She looked at us, rolled her eyes over and over and said "I ONLY have one light (holding up one finger). I need two lights (with two fingers up). We bargained back and forth for a minute or so until I said one light or none. With very exaggerated eye rolling she said fine and went off to bed! Scott and I could hardly keep ourselves from laughing. She looked so darn cute and grown up leaning against the door bargaining for what she wanted. Scott had a lot of boxes to carry to the garage when he got home and Mckenzie thought she could help him by holding the door for him. Then when he would come back inside, she would put both hands on her cheeks and screech very excitedly. I love how excited she gets to see us.


  1. OK I LOVE the picure of Abby's feet! They are Abby's right? You are going to have to take some cool pictures like that of my lil ones this weekend!!

  2. Love the little footsies!

  3. Oh, and I'm not sharing my godiva with anyone!


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