
I finally tackled the 'junk' closet that has been a place to throw all the stuff I don't know what to do with and the kids cooperated while I did it! I feel so accomplished today. I even got a start on our closet, but I got held up going through all the old baby clothes I still have. I was going to get them sorted and on Craig's list, but I quit after I discovered two more large bags after sorting through two huge bins. I couldn't take it. Way too memories and it makes me so sad to get rid of all the girls' things. It is like closing the chapter on having more little ones. I know we are most likely done (99% sure) but selling everything is so final. Maybe tomorrow I will finish...

The girls were very well behaved for the most part today. Especially considering we stayed inside all day and they had to entertain themselves for quite some time while I organized stuff around here. Abby had another great day of sharing. I hope this means she is turning a corner. Now just to get Mckenzie to stop pouting or screaming when she has to share!  Abby was so cute this morning. She crawled in next to me in bed this morning and whispered into my ear that she got dressed already because she was too warm in her pj's. The dress she chose, by the way, was the same dress she refused to wear yesterday because she didn't like it. Amazing how quickly her mind changes! Mckenzie's eye is looking almost 100% these days. There is just one spot I am worried about (not infection wise, just cosmetic wise) that Scott tells me will improve. I hope he is right! The girls had a blast playing on the sit and spin Scott bought the girls last night and only fell off a couple of times. I didn't get around to taking any pictures today. Maybe tomorrow.

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