It is so hard to get up at three in the morning just to give some medicine. I am hoping she is actually getting it since she doesn't even wake up when I give it to her. I replace her pacifier with the syringe and let her suck out the medicine. It seems to be working since there aren't any stains on the sheets! We had a very lazy morning, hanging out in our pjs and eating a late breakfast. It is so nice to do that every now and again. Mckenzie's eye is looking so much better today. She can open it halfway! When she looks at a picture of herself or looks in the mirror, she always says owww pointing to her eye. It's as though she only realizes something is different when she looks at it. Abby and I went out to do a little birthday shopping for Mckenzie. Abby wanted to buy a lot of toys for her sister and I think I went overboard! Oh well! She only turns 2 once! I was looking for a number 2 cake pan, but I had no luck. I should have been looking awhile ago instead of just a few days in advance. Not sure what I will do for her cake now. Abby and I ran to the grocery store and then we came home. We got all Mckenzie's presents wrapped before she woke up from her nap. Poor Abby wanted to play with the dolls she is giving to Mckenzie but I wouldn't let her. After nap, we all went out to look for a futon/ratchet couch for the guest room that we are turning into a play room for the girls. We don't have company that often so we figured we would make it more useful for us on a day to day basis. We plan on saving the bed so don't worry. If ya come to visit, you will still have a place to sleep! I was surprised we only had one comment on Mckenzie's eye while we were out. Some guy asked if she ran into a lot of stuff. People are so vocal around here, I expected a lot more. Abby wanted to eat at the restaurant that is indoors/outdoors (our new favorite restaurant) so we did. She ordered wings again, but didn't touch them, instead preferring to eat her sister's pasta. If we had known she wasn't going to eat them, we would have only ordered the pasta as it is a huge order. We got home and put the girls to bed. I don't think Mckenzie was ready as she is laying in her crib, kicking the headboard and talking up a storm.
The girl loves her lambie! |
Looking so much better! |
Wow! M's eye looks much better already! We don't have a guest room anymore (after December), so we will be in search for a pull out couch for the day. First things first. I feel like I am so behind on D's room. Ugh!