
What a lazy Saturday. We didn't do much of anything all day. It was pretty cool here today, so we opened all the windows. I do enjoy being able to open the windows without all the humidity, but I wasn't expecting it so soon. September, sure. Not August. Abby had fun playing with my old jacks today. She isn't that coordinated yet, but I don't expect many kids are the first time they play. She had such big laughs when playing. She didn't even get mad that she lost! We took the girls for a bike/trike ride after nap. Mckenzie didn't ride her trike very long, preferring instead to walk alongside while Scott pushed it. Abby told me she wanted to take her training wheels off. She's getting better, I just don't think she is ready for that yet. The girls played at the park for awhile and then we walked the track around the park. It was a great time, but it was getting a little cold. The girls both had on sleeveless dresses and I wish I had brought a jacket with for them. Maybe one for me too. Scott was the only one that wasn't cold; he even said he was hot. Scott gave the girls a bath while I ran to the store to pick up some buns so we could have grilled chicken sandwiches. Very tasty, even though I seem to have gotten Scott's spicy chicken. It has been strange around here today. Both Scott and Abby ended up with spicy bacon for breakfast (how does that happen) and my chicken was spicy while Scott's wasn't. Things that make you go hmmmm.
Who needs a spoon to eat soup?

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