We didn't do much today. Mckenzie's eye looks so much worse today as is expected after surgery. It is so swollen, she cannot open it very wide, but for the most part, she doesn't seem bothered by that. She is running around like crazy and it is so hard to keep her from doing what she normally does. I don't want her to sleep all day, but I don't want her jumping from the couch either! Abby had a birthday party to go to this afternoon for one of her little friends. I asked a friend if she wouldn't mind taking Abby since it was a water party and Mckenzie isn't supposed to get her face wet. So off Abby went. It has been strange for me the past few days that she has spent time with other people without me or Scott. I know she has gone to daycare and preschool, but it seems different to me somehow. Like she is growing up. I am so thankful Rachel was able to take Abby to the party because Abby had a fantastic time playing on the waterslide and seeing her little friends. I was a little sad when Abby told me she wished I had gone with her. She said 'let's pretend you took me'. Scott got home from work and we ordered dinner in. The sandwiches we got were ridiculously HUGE! I seriously ate maybe a third of my sandwich and was stuffed! Way too much food. I don't think Scott nor I will be able to order those sandwiches again. I ran to Walgreen's to refill Mckenzie's antibiotic. Last night, Mckenzie was climbing on her step in the bathroom and started to fall and it just happened to be the moment I had the medicine bottle open in my hand. Needless to say, I chose to catch Mckenzie over holding onto the medicine and spilled over half the bottle on the floor and rug! Glad my little one was okay.
It's a little tough to get a picture of all three of them! |
Face paint from the party. I have no idea what it is supposed to be! |
Poor little baby! Hopefully the swelling will go down soon and she can open her eye. The kids both start back to school next Tuesday. I'm kind of sad. Most moms are ready to get rid of their kids a couple of days a week, but it just reminds me of how fast they are growing.