Guess who came to my bed again this morning? Yep, Abby hopped on in around 6 again. At least she is getting the hint I don't like to get up that early and she will snuggle with me until she decides it is time for PBS kids. She has started asking so sweetly "Can I turn on the tv to watch PBS?" It gives me a chance to grab a couple more zzz's or to get showered for the day. It was a miracle day around here. Dakota didn't steal any of the girls' food and Mckenzie didn't have any accidents and even came running to tell me she needed to go! Yay for the Riley house! We had to run to base today for an appointment and on the way there, Abby saw a farm with some goats and sheep. She told me sheep were her favorite and she would like to have one at home. I told her they were stinky and pooped a lot. She pondered the idea for a minute and then said "Well, maybe for just a day then!" Wouldn't ya know it, we lost Mckenzie's bear again today! I didn't realize it until we got home, so I got the girls a quick lunch and we headed back to base to hopefully find here there. I was freaking out of course, because we don't have a replacement and I wasn't even sure we would find her. But, luckily she was right where we left her. I don't ever remember losing Abby's lambie this much. When we got back home, it was well past Mckenzie's nap time, but I thought I would try to put her down. Well, wouldn't ya know it, but all three of us fell asleep. It was nice to catch a little nap. I know there are a million closets to organize and clothes to sort around here, but it was nice to ignore all of those things and just relax. While we were eating dinner today, Mckenzie starting pouting and said "miss daddy home". Breaks my heart she is starting to understand he is gone for extended amounts of time. She did smile when I told her she would see Daddy tomorrow! After dinner, we ran to Target. I needed a printer cartridge and I forgot to buy it the other day. But, today I took a little Fly Lady advice (thanks Laurie) and bought an extra one so I don't run out again. The kids were great at the store, could be the Icee I bribed them with. Although I was a little hesitant to do so since Mckenzie was in panties and I try not to give her anything to drink when we are out somewhere these days! I found two pair of shoes that fit Mckenizie's chubby little feet. Gotta love Converse shoes! I needed to get her something since it is getting cold and the poor girl only has two pair of sandals to wear. I got the girls to bed a little bit ago. I was keeping them up just a little later than normal to see if Scott would make it home before the girls got in, but no such luck. Sheri texted me while we were at Target to say that Scott's plane made contact with her tower and said hi to her. That's kind of cool that she was working when he was flying over! Can't wait to see Scott tonight. It has been a very short trip, but I miss the bugger anyway!
Mckenzie is starting to pose for me just like Abby does! |
This one was her idea! She loves to strike a pose! |
I don't even care that Abby isn't looking. The girls were both having
so much fun playing around and taking pics. I just love they are
HAPPY!!! |
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