Sock puppets! |
She isn't always this dirty, she had just taken a bite of pasta! |
Abby had school again today so Mckenzie and I hung out at the house. We read a million and two books and it was so fun. I love to snuggle and read a good book. Still working on the whole color thing with her. I find myself getting frustrated because she is still struggling with them. I know she just needs more practice. Abby had a another great day at school. I just love how excited she gets when her teacher dismisses her from class. She comes running out of her classroom full speed ahead to hug Mckenzie and me. The rest of the day was pretty chill, just hanging out at home. I sent back the garbage can I ordered for Mckenzie's room because it was damaged. I love how easy PBK is to work with. I called them and they had UPS pick up the damaged item at the house and ordered a new one for me in one simple phone call. I am getting excited to decorate Mckenzie's room. It probably won't be for awhile yet since we have to paint her bed and find a dresser, but I know she is going to love it when it is done! The girls are in bed, but I don't know when Mckenzie is going to go to sleep. Tonight is the first night she protested when I put her to bed. She started crying and wanted me to leave her door open. She has always slept with it closed and I am not going to start opening it now so she can run back and forth between her room and Abby's. She didn't get upset the second time I closed her door, but now I am watching her on the video monitor just playing away in her bed. I guess as long as she stays in bed I can't complain.
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