
Today, I almost felt like putting Mckenzie back into her diaper and calling it quits until she is like 4 years old! She had so many accidents today. I will take the blame for at least half of them. I got caught up in what I was doing and completely forgot to take her, but there were times when I had just taken her and a few minutes later, she had already gone again. I think she understands the concept of going in the potty, she just doesn't pay enough attention to the signals her body is sending her. After the third or fourth accident this morning, I was putting Elmo panties on Mckenzie and she looked at me and said "no pee pee on Elmo". She didn't listen to her own words of advice, but at least I know she is hearing what I am telling her. The girls played with bubbles outside this morning. Abby was still in her pjs and she thought it was pretty fun to be outside in them. I really thought having only one bottle of bubbles was going to be troublesome, but for once, the girls shared very nicely. Abby is into folding paper these days and so she shaped at least 30 pages of printer paper into various objects. Houses, planes, birthday presents (I didn't mind those so much because she told me I was turning 17! If only I was so young!). I don't mind that she uses the paper, I just wish she would either reuse it, or color a picture on it first. I put Mckenzie down a little bit ago, but I can still hear her banging her feet against her headboard. I hope she falls asleep soon!

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