
We went apple picking today on a field trip for Abby's school. It was a lot of fun and Abby enjoyed seeing her friends. We got to take a wagon ride to an apple orchard where we got to pick our own apples. Mckenzie preferred to squish the apples already on the ground and Abby was always two steps ahead of Mckenzie and I. But we filled our bags and had lots of fun doing it. The wagon brought us back and we had a donut and apple cider. I don't think Mckenzie cared too much for the donut, preferring to run around instead. Abby sat so quietly next to her little friend and ate her donut. We then went to do a corn maze. I didn't really want to go all the way through because it was pretty long and it was muddy. I told the kids we were only going in a little ways to take pictures and then we were leaving. Well, Abby just had to go through and I caved. It took us quite awhile to get out and we were all very dirty by the time we made it out, but, it was worth it all. The kids had so much fun running through the corn and looking for the right path. When we got to the end, both girls raised their arms in the air and started cheering! I love moments like that!  I asked Abby what her favorite part of the day was and she said all of it. Mckenzie said the corn maze, which surprised me a little since she was hesitant to go in. She also fell down a few times, but after the second time, she would jump right back up, wipe her muddy little hands on her pants and continue down the path. The rest of the day was pretty quiet. Scott got home from work and we had tacos for dinner. I never buy the hard shell tacos because we prefer the soft ones, but I was supposed to bring in tacos to Abby's chef class if it rained today and the teacher requested hard shell. Well, Abby absolutely loves hard shell tacos. She ate two and asked for a third! She hardly touches soft shell tacos so I was very shocked to see her eat these. Scott helped me clean the house tonight. I have not wanted to do any cleaning lately, so I really appreciate the help to get the house back in order. We got some good news today. Scott will not be deploying this October so he should be home for the holidays (as long as he doesn't have to go on a regular trip). Instead, he will be deploying this January. Unfortunately, it will be four months instead of two, but that is the way things go.

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of M reaching for the apple. So sweet! Yay for the no October, boo for 4 months! That would be so hard. Even one night sucks for me. I don't know how you do it.


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