
What a morning and afternoon! Super whiny/fighting kids and a mommy with very little patience today. Great combo I tell ya! Mckenzie had two accidents this morning but then she was good the rest of the day. She even put herself on the potty without being told before taking a bath tonight! I see the slow progress every day. It is just a long process and even though it wasn't that long ago we trained Abby, I seem to have forgotten how long and enduring a process it is.  We ran to the store to get some milk and surprisingly, the girls were very well behaved there. We came home, got some dinner, and then headed outside to play. We really should have gone out earlier in the day because it was cool after dinner. I miss Florida weather right now. I am not ready for fall or winter. Played around with manual settings on my camera, and I got a pic or two that isn't too terrible. Not good, but not terrible either. Gave the girls a bath tonight and I wasn't paying attention while I filled the tub and it was more like a swimming pool for the girls. They had fun though. I am glad the day ended on a happy note. Hopefully tomorrow none of us will be cranky.

1 comment:

  1. Good job on manual Barb! We just got back from FL. Girl, it is H.O.T. there right now (Tampa area). We had a nice time though.


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