Joy of Love, day 08: gift from the heart. Today's posting is supposed to be about something a loved one has said/done/promised/given to me. I struggled with what to photograph for this one. How do I capture the love and security and happiness that Scott has given me? What he does for me and the girls can't be photographed in my mind. Sure, I could have taken a picture our my wedding band because that represents all he has ever done for me or taken a picture of the kids, because what greater gift in life is there than the love and blessing of children, but none of that seemed to say it all for me. He is a great husband and father and I just cannot express enough how much he means to me, but I finally figured out what to photograph. I took a photo of our bed because it just so happens that today is
clean sheet day. Some of you may be thinking who really cares you changed your sheets today, but for me, I absolutely love clean sheets. There is just something about them. So how does this represent Scott? Well because on clean sheet night, I like to be the first one in bed so I can enjoy the sheets for just a couple of minutes while they are still fresh. Poor Scott stands by the bed, waiting so patiently for me to get settled in no matter how tired he is. I know he thinks I'm crazy and that's OK. We all have our quirks, but that is what Scott has given to me. He has given me unconditional love that allows me to feel OK about being a little different than everyone else. I don't know how many husbands would put up with something so silly, but he does because he loves me and that makes me love him even more!
So today was a busy one around here. Mckenzie went to her second day of class. Turns out it was a pretty rough one for her, crying most of the time. They were actually going to call me at one point but luckily the school director was able to calm her down. I asked Mckenzie how her day was when I picked her up and she told me she cried. It breaks my heart, but I know she needs to get used to being away from me and going to school. I would rather she struggle with it this year when the emphasis is on socialization whereas next year, it is more focused on learning. Abby had a friend over this morning and they played together very nicely. Then, Abby went to another friend's house this afternoon while Mckenzie napped. It was nice to have some quiet time this afternoon. Abby told me she had lots of fun over at her friend's. We got to Skype with Scott today. It was great to see him and talk with him. He is doing good & keeping busy. Then, we headed to church this evening for dinner and a lesson. Abby has lots of fun, especially when her friend from school is there. Both girls were a bit feisty on the way out of the church. Abby has a tendency to run ahead of both of us and Mckenzie gets upset because she never wins. Well tonight, their little tiff resulted in both girls falling to the ground and skinning their knees. Nothing a few band aids couldn't solve though when we got home! I'm hoping Mckenzie will settle down better tonight than last night. She has come out a few times, but I think she may have settled in for the night!

Abby & her friend

Kenzie with a "hat" on her head! She cracks me up!