We got a few inches of snow last night so I got up to shovel first thing this morning. The girls decided to sleep in this morning and I felt bad waking them so the housekeepers could clean. I'm sure they would have been up shortly anyway. Dakota was in a strange mood barking at every little noise she heard. Our day was pretty mundane. Lots of games and lots of questions. Abby has been so curious lately about everything. I love that she wants to learn and that she isn't afraid to ask questions. I think Mckenzie is still a little wiped out from being sick because she fell asleep on the couch this morning and took a two hour nap. I'm surprised she slept so long because Abby and I weren't very quiet. And neither was the dog. Dakota gets so wound up when we play hide and seek and she barks at me to give away my hiding spot. She is a little stinker! We skyped with Scott again this afternoon. Mckenzie actually spent a good amount of time talking to him today and showing him how her feet wiggle (I have no idea why she was doing that!) Abby doesn't spend that much time talking with him, but she always lets me know how much she misses Scott when she goes to bed, especially on days we have skyped. I actually cooked tonight, a little Tex-Mex chicken. It wasn't as good as normal because I made a smaller batch but I forgot to shorten the cooking time. Lesson learned I guess. The girls both went to sleep like champs tonight. I only had to put Mckenzie back to bed twice and Abby once.
The beautiful flowers Sheri sent to me.
Hey girl! Have you had a chance to read over any of the *info* I sent ya? wink, wink? haha. I printed out some (I'm old school and like paper) and I hope to dig in soon and do some of the lessons. If you have any questions, feel free to ask away!