Abby's hand
Mckenzie's hand
We didn't get much accomplished around here today. I did run to the store with the girls so I could pick up some silica gel. I read on the Internet that it is supposed to dry out the iPhone better than rice. We will see. The girls were having so much fun being out that it was hard to drag them out of the store. The store had a Thomas train table set up in the children's craft area and the girls probably could have spent all day playing. Abby told me several times how she wished she could have a train table. I wish there was enough room in our house for one. I know it would get a lot of use. But, they have a small wooden track that works just fine. I did get the girls a few new train cars and they were super excited to play with them. I should say Abby was super excited. Mckenzie was super excited about the jelly beans I bought for the girls while waiting in line. I thought Abby was feeling better this morning after having slept the entire night without any major coughing spells to wake her, but she started looking a little peaked this afternoon and she was running a fever again. I felt so bad for her tonight. She was coughing so hard she threw up. Lucky the dog was there to clean it up for us! I really wonder about that dog some days! I am starting to think I may have taken the girls to Target one too many times. After returning home from the store today, Mckenzie realized we didn't go to Target while we were out and started crying and asking to go there. She also did the same thing for Chick fil A when I gave her macaroni and cheese to eat for lunch. That girl knows what she likes!
Thank you Sheri (and family) for the beautiful flowers. It was a much appreciated surprise! I will post a photo of them tomorrow! Thanks again. You brightened our day!
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